My rendering cannot be stopped automatically

Sorry to borther you~

I set the render time to 10 minutes as usual.But at 20 minutes, the rendering process still shows no signs of stopping.

As an experiment, I put a simple object in the scene and set the render time to 60 seconds, but it didn't stop after 3 minutes.

Restart the computer, the problem is not solved.

I looked at the LOG, and it didn't look like anything I'd seen before.

2021-06-13 23:33:49.117 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.3   IRAY   rend info : Allocating 1-layer frame buffer
2021-06-13 23:33:49.136 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00001 iterations after 1.470s.
2021-06-13 23:33:49.227 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00002 iterations after 1.561s.
2021-06-13 23:33:49.385 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00004 iterations after 1.719s.


2021-06-13 23:34:49.758 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: 100.00% of image converged
2021-06-13 23:34:49.758 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00874 iterations after 62.092s.
2021-06-13 23:34:53.402 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00878 iterations after 65.736s.
2021-06-13 23:34:53.496 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00926 iterations after 65.830s.
2021-06-13 23:34:59.507 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00933 iterations after 71.842s.
2021-06-13 23:34:59.868 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 01016 iterations after 72.202s.
2021-06-13 23:35:05.790 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 01023 iterations after 78.124s.
2021-06-13 23:35:06.788 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 01115 iterations after 79.122s.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,838

    What exact value did you use for the time?

  • kyoreonakyoreona Posts: 185

    Richard Haseltine said:

    What exact value did you use for the time?

    Hi~~ I set [Max Samples(secs)]  to 600, and then 60,the problem exsist again.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,838

    Samples is not time, though it should still have stopped by the stage in your log. Please post a screen shot of the Progressive group in the Editor tab of Render Settings.

  • kyoreonakyoreona Posts: 185

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Samples is not time, though it should still have stopped by the stage in your log. Please post a screen shot of the Progressive group in the Editor tab of Render Settings.

    sorry, max time,not max sample ,I input the wrong word.But the problem is still exsist.


    And  when I up load a small picture only 69KB,it always display [ uploading....]


  • kyoreonakyoreona Posts: 185

    Finally, I stopped it manually. The log is as follows


    2021-06-14 08:12:11.827 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Updating geometry.

    2021-06-14 08:12:11.828 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Updating motion transforms.

    2021-06-14 08:12:11.831 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Importing scene graph.

    2021-06-14 08:12:11.831 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Importing geometry for motion time 0

    2021-06-14 08:12:13.537 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Geometry import (1 triangle object with 9669k triangles, 0 fiber objects with 0 fibers (0 segments), 1 triangle instance yielding 9669k triangles, 0 fiber instances yielding 0 segments) took 1.706s

    2021-06-14 08:12:13.537 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Updating materials.

    2021-06-14 08:12:13.753 Iray [INFO] - MATCNV:RENDER ::   1.0   MATCNV rend info : found 1361 textures, 0 lambdas (0 unique)

    2021-06-14 08:12:13.781 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Emitter geometry import (12 light sources with 7662 triangles, 1 instance) took 0.000s

    2021-06-14 08:12:13.781 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Updating environment.

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.739 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Updating backplate.

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.739 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Updating lens.

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.739 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Updating lights.

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.740 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Updating object flags.

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.741 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Updating caustic portals.

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.741 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Updating decals.

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.758 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Using iray core convergence estimate.

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.758 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Allocating 1-layer frame buffer

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.768 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Using batch scheduling, caustic sampler disabled

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.769 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Initializing local rendering.

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.772 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : CPU: using 5 cores for rendering

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.774 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Using OptiX Prime version 5.0.1

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.778 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Initializing OptiX Prime for CUDA device 0

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.864 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Rendering with 2 device(s):

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.864 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB)

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.864 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : CPU

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.864 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Rendering...

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.865 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.5   IRAY   rend progr: CPU: Processing scene...

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.865 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.3   IRAY   rend progr: CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB): Processing scene...

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.867 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.6   IRAY   rend info : Using Embree 3.10.0

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.867 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.6   IRAY   rend info : Initializing Embree

    2021-06-14 08:12:15.939 Iray [VERBOSE] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.2   IRAY   rend stat : Geometry memory consumption: 281.634 MiB (device 0), 0.000 B (host)

    2021-06-14 08:12:55.995 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.6   IRAY   rend info : Importing lights for motion time 0

    2021-06-14 08:12:55.995 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.6   IRAY   rend info : Initializing light hierarchy.

    2021-06-14 08:12:56.186 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.6   IRAY   rend info : Light hierarchy initialization took 0.190s

    2021-06-14 08:12:56.192 Iray [VERBOSE] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.6   IRAY   rend stat : Native CPU code generated in 0.000s

    2021-06-14 08:12:56.687 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.5   IRAY   rend info : CPU: Scene processed in 40.823s

    2021-06-14 08:12:56.701 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.5   IRAY   rend info : CPU: Allocated 39.119 MiB for frame buffer

    2021-06-14 08:12:57.113 Iray [VERBOSE] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.2   IRAY   rend stat : Texture memory consumption: 3.940 GiB for 351 bitmaps (device 0)

    2021-06-14 08:12:57.115 Iray [VERBOSE] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.2   IRAY   rend stat : Lights memory consumption: 1.291 MiB (device 0)

    2021-06-14 08:12:57.115 Iray [VERBOSE] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.2   IRAY   rend stat : Material measurement memory consumption: 0.000 B (GPU)

    2021-06-14 08:12:57.117 Iray [VERBOSE] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.2   IRAY   rend stat : Materials memory consumption: 2.572 MiB (GPU)

    2021-06-14 08:12:57.894 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.2   IRAY   rend error: Unable to allocate 128.000 MiB from 0.000 B of available device memory

    2021-06-14 08:12:57.896 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.3   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB): Scene setup failed

    2021-06-14 08:12:57.897 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.3   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB): Device failed while rendering

    2021-06-14 08:12:57.897 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [WARNING] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.3   IRAY   rend warn : CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB) ran out of memory and is temporarily unavailable for rendering.

    2021-06-14 08:13:02.389 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.5   IRAY   rend info : Allocating 1-layer frame buffer

    2021-06-14 08:13:02.527 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00001 iterations after 46.663s.

    2021-06-14 08:13:07.763 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00002 iterations after 51.898s.

    2021-06-14 08:13:12.902 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00003 iterations after 57.037s.

    2021-06-14 08:13:17.885 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00004 iterations after 62.021s.

    2021-06-14 08:13:23.037 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00005 iterations after 67.173s.

    2021-06-14 08:13:28.245 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00006 iterations after 72.380s.

    2021-06-14 08:13:33.253 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00007 iterations after 77.389s.

    2021-06-14 08:13:38.390 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00008 iterations after 82.526s.

    2021-06-14 08:13:43.690 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00009 iterations after 87.825s.

    2021-06-14 08:13:48.995 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00010 iterations after 93.131s.

    2021-06-14 08:13:54.152 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00011 iterations after 98.287s.

    2021-06-14 08:13:59.166 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00012 iterations after 103.301s.

    2021-06-14 08:14:04.451 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00013 iterations after 108.587s.

    2021-06-14 08:14:09.733 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00014 iterations after 113.868s.

    2021-06-14 08:14:14.894 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00015 iterations after 119.029s.

    2021-06-14 08:14:20.107 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00016 iterations after 124.243s.

    2021-06-14 08:14:25.335 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00017 iterations after 129.471s.

    2021-06-14 08:14:30.504 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00018 iterations after 134.639s.

    2021-06-14 08:14:35.512 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00019 iterations after 139.647s.

    2021-06-14 08:14:40.910 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00020 iterations after 145.045s.

    2021-06-14 08:14:45.925 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00021 iterations after 150.060s.

    2021-06-14 08:14:51.310 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00022 iterations after 155.446s.

    2021-06-14 08:14:56.586 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00023 iterations after 160.721s.

    2021-06-14 08:15:01.533 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00024 iterations after 165.668s.

    2021-06-14 08:15:06.667 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00025 iterations after 170.802s.

    2021-06-14 08:15:11.598 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00026 iterations after 175.734s.

    2021-06-14 08:15:16.655 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00027 iterations after 180.790s.

    2021-06-14 08:15:21.580 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00028 iterations after 185.716s.

    2021-06-14 08:15:26.599 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00029 iterations after 190.734s.

    2021-06-14 08:15:31.573 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00030 iterations after 195.708s.

    2021-06-14 08:15:36.558 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00031 iterations after 200.693s.

    2021-06-14 08:15:41.515 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00032 iterations after 205.650s.

    2021-06-14 08:15:46.523 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00033 iterations after 210.659s.

    2021-06-14 08:15:51.485 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00034 iterations after 215.620s.

    2021-06-14 08:15:56.500 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00035 iterations after 220.636s.

    2021-06-14 08:16:01.488 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00036 iterations after 225.623s.

    2021-06-14 08:16:06.607 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00037 iterations after 230.743s.

    2021-06-14 08:16:11.491 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00038 iterations after 235.626s.

    2021-06-14 08:16:16.580 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00039 iterations after 240.716s.

    2021-06-14 08:16:21.491 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00040 iterations after 245.627s.

    2021-06-14 08:16:26.500 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00041 iterations after 250.636s.

    2021-06-14 08:16:31.426 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00042 iterations after 255.561s.

    2021-06-14 08:16:36.430 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00043 iterations after 260.565s.

    2021-06-14 08:16:41.340 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00044 iterations after 265.475s.

    2021-06-14 08:16:46.405 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00045 iterations after 270.541s.

    2021-06-14 08:16:51.331 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00046 iterations after 275.466s.

    2021-06-14 08:16:56.392 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00047 iterations after 280.528s.

    2021-06-14 08:17:01.368 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00048 iterations after 285.504s.

    2021-06-14 08:17:06.422 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00049 iterations after 290.557s.

    2021-06-14 08:17:11.309 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00050 iterations after 295.444s.

    2021-06-14 08:17:16.333 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00051 iterations after 300.469s.

    2021-06-14 08:17:21.271 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00052 iterations after 305.406s.

    2021-06-14 08:17:26.365 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00053 iterations after 310.501s.

    2021-06-14 08:17:31.302 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00054 iterations after 315.438s.

    2021-06-14 08:17:36.368 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00055 iterations after 320.504s.

    2021-06-14 08:17:41.363 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00056 iterations after 325.498s.

    2021-06-14 08:17:46.418 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00057 iterations after 330.553s.

    2021-06-14 08:17:51.325 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00058 iterations after 335.461s.

    2021-06-14 08:17:56.346 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00059 iterations after 340.482s.

    2021-06-14 08:18:01.516 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00060 iterations after 345.651s.

    2021-06-14 08:18:06.387 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00061 iterations after 350.523s.

    2021-06-14 08:18:11.402 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00062 iterations after 355.538s.

    2021-06-14 08:18:16.373 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00063 iterations after 360.509s.

    2021-06-14 08:18:21.482 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00064 iterations after 365.617s.

    2021-06-14 08:18:26.391 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00065 iterations after 370.526s.

    2021-06-14 08:18:31.449 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00066 iterations after 375.585s.

    2021-06-14 08:18:36.163 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00067 iterations after 380.299s.

    2021-06-14 08:18:41.296 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00068 iterations after 385.432s.

    2021-06-14 08:18:46.274 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00069 iterations after 390.409s.

    2021-06-14 08:18:51.382 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00070 iterations after 395.517s.

    2021-06-14 08:18:56.290 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00071 iterations after 400.425s.

    2021-06-14 08:19:01.342 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00072 iterations after 405.477s.

    2021-06-14 08:19:06.331 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00073 iterations after 410.466s.

    2021-06-14 08:19:11.436 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00074 iterations after 415.571s.

    2021-06-14 08:19:16.387 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00075 iterations after 420.523s.

    2021-06-14 08:19:21.423 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00076 iterations after 425.559s.

    2021-06-14 08:19:26.531 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00077 iterations after 430.666s.

    2021-06-14 08:19:31.516 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00078 iterations after 435.652s.

    2021-06-14 08:19:36.587 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00079 iterations after 440.722s.

    2021-06-14 08:19:41.502 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00080 iterations after 445.637s.

    2021-06-14 08:19:46.522 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00081 iterations after 450.658s.

    2021-06-14 08:19:51.458 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00082 iterations after 455.593s.

    2021-06-14 08:19:56.493 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00083 iterations after 460.629s.

    2021-06-14 08:20:01.395 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00084 iterations after 465.531s.

    2021-06-14 08:20:06.464 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00085 iterations after 470.599s.

    2021-06-14 08:20:11.434 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00086 iterations after 475.569s.

    2021-06-14 08:20:16.479 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00087 iterations after 480.615s.

    2021-06-14 08:20:21.472 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00088 iterations after 485.607s.

    2021-06-14 08:20:26.547 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00089 iterations after 490.682s.

    2021-06-14 08:20:31.509 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00090 iterations after 495.644s.

    2021-06-14 08:20:36.578 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00091 iterations after 500.714s.

    2021-06-14 08:20:41.568 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00092 iterations after 505.704s.

    2021-06-14 08:20:46.628 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00093 iterations after 510.763s.

    2021-06-14 08:20:51.507 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00094 iterations after 515.642s.

    2021-06-14 08:20:56.525 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00095 iterations after 520.661s.

    2021-06-14 08:21:01.526 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00096 iterations after 525.661s.

    2021-06-14 08:21:06.711 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00097 iterations after 530.847s.

    2021-06-14 08:21:11.686 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00098 iterations after 535.821s.

    2021-06-14 08:21:16.695 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00099 iterations after 540.830s.

    2021-06-14 08:21:21.683 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00100 iterations after 545.818s.

    2021-06-14 08:21:26.761 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00101 iterations after 550.897s.

    2021-06-14 08:21:31.745 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00102 iterations after 555.880s.

    2021-06-14 08:21:36.747 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00103 iterations after 560.882s.

    2021-06-14 08:21:41.882 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00104 iterations after 566.018s.

    2021-06-14 08:21:46.813 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00105 iterations after 570.949s.

    2021-06-14 08:21:51.873 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00106 iterations after 576.009s.

    2021-06-14 08:21:56.759 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00107 iterations after 580.895s.

    2021-06-14 08:22:01.837 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00108 iterations after 585.972s.

    2021-06-14 08:22:06.769 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00109 iterations after 590.904s.

    2021-06-14 08:22:11.886 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00110 iterations after 596.022s.

    2021-06-14 08:22:16.768 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00111 iterations after 600.903s.

    2021-06-14 08:22:21.836 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00112 iterations after 605.971s.

    2021-06-14 08:22:26.846 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00113 iterations after 610.982s.

    2021-06-14 08:22:31.904 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00114 iterations after 616.040s.

    2021-06-14 08:22:36.801 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00115 iterations after 620.936s.

    2021-06-14 08:22:41.857 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00116 iterations after 625.993s.

    2021-06-14 08:22:46.830 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00117 iterations after 630.965s.

    2021-06-14 08:22:51.893 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00118 iterations after 636.028s.

    2021-06-14 08:22:56.795 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00119 iterations after 640.930s.

    2021-06-14 08:23:01.795 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: 0.56% of image converged

    2021-06-14 08:23:01.876 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00120 iterations after 646.012s.

    2021-06-14 08:23:06.801 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00121 iterations after 650.937s.

    2021-06-14 08:23:11.812 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00122 iterations after 655.948s.


    2021-06-14 08:24:41.902 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: Received update to 00140 iterations after 746.037s.

    2021-06-14 08:24:45.647 Saved image: C:\Users\rika\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\temp\render\r.png

    2021-06-14 08:24:45.656 Finished Rendering

    2021-06-14 08:24:45.700 Total Rendering Time: 12 minutes 52.87 seconds


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,838

    You could upload the screen shot elsewhere (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive) and post a link.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Don't know why your render isn't stopping, but the textures are too big for your 6GB VRAM, I would say you are about 1.5GB's short

    Geometry memory consumption: 281.634 MiB
    Texture memory consumption: 3.940 GiB for 351 bitmaps
    (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB) ran out of memory and is temporarily unavailable for rendering

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    My settings;

    446 x 394 - 42K
  • kyoreonakyoreona Posts: 185

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You could upload the screen shot elsewhere (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive) and post a link.

    sorry ,I was never able to upload the picture.I thought it was a small BUG. I adjusted the render pixel size a few times, and it was back to normal.

  • kyoreonakyoreona Posts: 185

    PerttiA said:

    Don't know why your render isn't stopping, but the textures are too big for your 6GB VRAM, I would say you are about 1.5GB's short

    Geometry memory consumption: 281.634 MiB
    Texture memory consumption: 3.940 GiB for 351 bitmaps
    (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB) ran out of memory and is temporarily unavailable for rendering

    Yes, this is where I get upset, my 1060 is almost completely useless for rendering, it's all on my CPU.I originally wanted to buy 3060, but now the price is a little unacceptable.

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