Translating a Daz Script into Something for Unreal?

In the thread found here (, cridgit provides a script that can Export/Import the Rotation, Scale, and Translation values of an object (and its children) to/from a JSON file. I now need an equivalent of that script for Unreal.
My goal is simple: create a way to send/receive the RST values so that a user can send a scene from Daz to Unreal (or Blender or Unity) and use the VR controls provided by Unreal (or Unity or Blender) to arrange the objects in the scene in a more natural and intuitive way, then send the arranged scene RST values back to Daz. Simple right?
(I'm posting in the subforums for Unreal, Unity, and Blender because I don't know what would work best, have no real preference between the three, they're all free, and they can all do VR. And the technical discussions of the code would probably have to be different for each platform too. Sorry if this is the wrong way to do this. And I'm sorry if I take a while to reply. And I'm sorry I didn't write the message the same way three times. I'm scatterbrained from stress and irl stuff atm.)
So, is there anyone here who can write the Unreal equivalent of the aforementioned Daz Script?
The Daz To Unreal bridge kind of does this one direction. The DTU file it generates is JSON and if you're exporting as Environment part of the JSON is a list of everythings location / rotation / scale. It uses that to place all the objects in Unreal. However, you're missing two things I think. One is exporting the same information the other direction (which you mentioned). The other is the objects need some kind of GUID or something that they hold on both sides so you know which ones are the same object. Since the code is on GitHub that gives you a starting point.