Reloading all textures at once from a folder?

Hello there,

I hope this finds you well and safe.

I have imported OBJ and FBX files into Daz3d but somehow the textures don't show up.  What I did was reloading each one of them by clicking on Base Color then Browse to find the textures.  However, it is time-consuming,  

Does anyone happen to know a way to select the location of the folder with all the textures and reload them automatically all at once?

Thank you,



  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    Texture import into DS doesn't work all that well. You'd have better results using something like Multi Map Loader to load them externally. Be advised that it's a bit particular about how the texture files are named, so you may have to do a bit of renaming before you can use it.

  • KNKN Posts: 55

    Thanks for your reply, Gordig. 

    That Multi Map Loader seems interesting but I was hoping Daz would have a function like "Find missing Files" and reload all the textures like in Blender.  Also, Multi Map Loader is $25 and I have to learn it and rename all the texture files, which seems like it is even more time-consuming than just reloading my texture files one by one.  lol

    Anyway, thanks, and have a great weekend!


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    Having manually loaded textures myself, I can assure you that MML is much, much faster even with the renaming. I'm not aware of a native way to do the same thing, so I'd say that's your best way forward.

  • KNKN Posts: 55

    Cool, I'll think about it.  Thanks, Gordig.

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