Why don't some Morphs Appear in the To Export Morphs List?

I have some morphs i want to export to Unity and they don't appear in the list of morphs. Why is this? It's a genetalia product i bought for my G8 male, it's attached and it has morphs, only about 5 of the motphs appear in the list of morphs but this produt has tons of morphs, why aren't they appearing?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Are you sure they are actually morphs, as distinct from controllers that drive other properties (morphs or transforms)?

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

    well i'm not sure. for genetalia they are found in the Parameters tab/GenitaliaObject/Asection called "Posing" that contains morph dialslike of shaft up-down etc. I guess then they're not morphs.. Then what are they? And how would i get these to transfer to Unity? Not possible?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    They are pose controls, which usually means a single slider that remote-controls mutliple others (in this case, I would guess, x-rotations on the segments of the figure). I'm not sure how well, if at all, FBX handles such property links.

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

    Interesting. well. But how come even i have one that makes the genitalia shirnk or grow. I would think that is a morph, and it still doesn't appear in Unity.

    Ok UPDATE 7/14/2021, i've moved to using HDRP projects and transferring morphs using DAz to Unity bridge and now all , everysingle morph for the genitalia appears in the list as exportable. So i add them, and yet they don't appear in Unity at alll. Even the ones that do seem to be morphs. Like the ones that make the Genitalia larger, i would think that is a morph that is not a Pose control i would think, it doesn't appear in Unity.

    Any idea why?

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