Filter by Context

Anyone else have problems with the filter by context block? I check it and it doesn't filter the content associated with the highlited figures. Any idea why this is happening?


  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • There are no log errors. This is windows 10, I actually went and deleted the updates... Not any particular figure, but all of them. I have added a screen shot to show that I have the figure which is a Genesis 8 character chosen along with the poses and function, and there is nothing. I have purchased probably 7 different pose packs with the Gen 8 female characters...

    1718 x 905 - 2M
  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • PekenPeken Posts: 37

    I have the same issue, some random stuff is shown in both Products and Files, most of the categories missing too.

    Uncheck it, and all goes back to normal...

  • Yes... When I uncheck the box, all the submenues come back... Only does when I check to filter by context...

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • PekenPeken Posts: 37


    OK, did the DB Maintenance - Re-Import Metadata and that fixed the problem.

    But added one other - now the Smart Content sorting is all messed up, but I can live with that smiley

  • DB Maintanence ???

  • BrianJasonStone said:

    DB Maintanence ???

    Content Library option menu (the lined/hmaburger button in the top corner, or right-click the tab)>Content DB Maintenance

  • No maintanence option... Do you have a screenshot???

    1744 x 1008 - 1M
  • BrianJasonStone said:

    No maintanence option... Do you have a screenshot???

    The button at top-right of the Cobntent Library pane,  between the greyed maginfying glass and the Viewport tab.

  • Did the export on all metedata, then reimported. That worked for a little bit then went back to the same....

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