Iray vs octane

Does octane use less vram or more than iray. If more how much more? Does it render better than iray or just faster. Will a m6000 be enough for octane? That's the only gpu I have with 24gb and normally I can't afford more than a m4000 (I'm on a fixed income) I just  got lucky on finances and took the once in s lifetime chance to get a lifetime to get a 24gb gpu.


  • I'm doing large scenes. Ie something like 4 characters 4 animals lots of which are hd large polygon building scenes with large polygon plants ground buildings not to mention lights and a hdri (usually 4K but seldomly 12k about 99% 4K only skys iray rain snow and or fog. The most building-plant-lights-ground scenes I ever use are contemporary office twisted tower complete scenes (not just the towers) multiple houses ( exterior only and two interior exterior houses completely furnished) plant characters whatever (but I'm not concerned about that type of scene because I barely ever do that anymore) or a bunch of plants buildings ground streets vehicles whatever (everything except maybe 5 buildings no more than 2 or three fully furnished and only no more than two with characters and animals no more than 6 total all hd is poser imports) with lights. All of which except that one I mentioned above render fine on my m6000 mixed with my 2x e5-2630 9 6 core CPUs and 96gb ram. But I guess I'm asking will those scenes render on octane or am I REQUIRED to get another m6000 because like I said that isn't EVER gonna happen PERIOD 

  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 281


    I'm not a tech guy but using Octane since version 0 so before Iray came. Here is an old 2019 render with approx 20 Genesis 8/3 (subd 2) with clothes + horse + fog + forest + plenty of nursoda characters + plenty of lights +..... This require a logic to build the scene in Octane (I don't use the bridge). But it worked. Final render took the night (6000 x 4000) while sleeping. The advantage to work without the bridge is to merge different daz scenes in the same Octane one . Clearly I can't work with this kind of scenes in DS4 with my config : 9 years old with a GTX680 4GB .

    As Octane fulfill my needs I didn't try Iray so I will not compare both to say who's the better: it's a matter of taste, knowledge and maybe hardware. If Iray came before Octane may be my road would have been different

    Hope this help

    PS: when I see this old render I see all the defaults , may be I will rework on it

    Defile-20 PW2.jpg
    1181 x 787 - 510K
  • No offense but that didn't answer my question. Is a 24gb m6000 enough for what I mentioned above that I'm doing. I have the scenes the hardware I mentioned and octane plug-in. But do I HAVE to upgrade or add more gpus because I don't have that kind of money and never will 

  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 281

    Mine is a 4gb graphic card. I think that this scene has more that you mention (32gb Octane scene for this one) but may be I'm wrong  . If Octane can make a render with my Graphic card I can't imagine what I would do with your config. I don't use the plug because I can't even load the complete scene in DS4 and I also work more efficiently doing separate scene in DS4 and assembling them in Octane and didn't had any limits for scene complexity

    I don't know what's the share of memory between DS4 and Octane while using the plug-in.

    If you have all (DS, Octane and plug)  why don't you try?  

    Good luck

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800

    Octane can use out of core memory, which means unlike Iray, it can use system memory when things get to big to fit on the GPU. You just need to make sure you set it up to use system RAM (quite simple, you can even tell Octane the max memory you want to use from the GPU and the system).

    There is a greater learning curve to Octane than with Iray, and you will need to learn how to tweak your shaders for the best results because the translation from Iray to Octane isn't perfect. For assistance with shaders look for the "Octane Render Kit" in the store here. IMHO, Octane is a full on professional rendering software,  and Iray is a bit more of a technology demo made by Nvidia to promote GPU rendering (a really good tech demo, but not in the same league as Octane). As a result, you will need to be more self sufficient with Octane, and there are no vendors making content for direct use in it. If your willing to put in the extra effort, you will be able to achieve results equal to or better than Iray. But it's kind of a personal choice.

    I love Octane, and was on the alpha (closed beta) testing team for the Carrara plugin. However, I tend to render most everything in Iray now simply because I've gotten a bit lazy. However, if I ever have more free time again, I will go back to Octane because I do prefer many of the advanced feature and capabilities compared to Iray (like no GPU memory limitations).

    Hope this helps a bit.

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800

    I should have added, the scenes you described will easily render with Octane. With 96Gb RAM and 24Gb GPU memory, you should have plenty of room to render even larger scenes with ease.

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 281

    cridgit said:

    Just wanted to pop in and say I finally registered at OTOY, installed Octane for DAZ Studio and did a dozen test renders to get a feel for it. Pretty easy to use and fast.

    Most materials transferred across quite well, with the exception of hair. Some hair isn't visible at all and all hair looks terrible. I noticed Octance was loading Glossy Material for hair rather than its own Hair Material. So I'll need to continue playing with settings to equal my Iray hair.

    Took DustRider's advice to turn off automatic material loading which reduced Studio lag when not using Octane.

    The main thing I like about Octane is I'm no longer limited by my 6GB VRAM. I can now render larger scenes using my GPU.

    So far so happy.


    Did you try the Octane render kit ? It's free and there are hair shaders , skin shaders, tutorials,.... Thanks to Valzheimer and Daz

  • UHFUHF Posts: 515

    RemiliaSutton said:

    I'm doing large scenes. Ie something like 4 characters 4 animals lots of which are hd large polygon building scenes with large polygon plants ground buildings not to mention lights and a hdri (usually 4K but seldomly 12k about 99% 4K only skys iray rain snow and or fog. The most building-plant-lights-ground scenes I ever use are contemporary office twisted tower complete scenes (not just the towers) multiple houses ( exterior only and two interior exterior houses completely furnished) plant characters whatever (but I'm not concerned about that type of scene because I barely ever do that anymore) or a bunch of plants buildings ground streets vehicles whatever (everything except maybe 5 buildings no more than 2 or three fully furnished and only no more than two with characters and animals no more than 6 total all hd is poser imports) with lights. All of which except that one I mentioned above render fine on my m6000 mixed with my 2x e5-2630 9 6 core CPUs and 96gb ram. But I guess I'm asking will those scenes render on octane or am I REQUIRED to get another m6000 because like I said that isn't EVER gonna happen PERIOD 

    I do a lot of Octane, and am currently about to get another GPU and try Iray. (I want to be lazy.  :-) )  If you have any questions just download and try it. In particular check out the system tab to get a feel for RAM usage. Your GPU needs to hold your geometry, but all your textures can be on your CPU, and this has little impact on performance. (10%?)

    Octane is hands down faster, and more intuitive to use.

    I've attached a render that took 15 minutes to run. I rarely do postwork.  That's 3 Genesis 8s @Subd3 or 4, and another Genesis 8.  The skin shaders are complex, and many surfaces were PBR. It used over 20GB in Octane, in my GTX1660 TI OC.

    The only downside to Octane is the effort you may need to put in for shader work. Shaders don't generally translate well from 3DL\Iray to Octane.

    1920 x 1080 - 552K
  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 281

    UHF said:

    RemiliaSutton said:

    I'm doing large scenes. Ie something like 4 characters 4 animals lots of which are hd large polygon building scenes with large polygon plants ground buildings not to mention lights and a hdri (usually 4K but seldomly 12k about 99% 4K only skys iray rain snow and or fog. The most building-plant-lights-ground scenes I ever use are contemporary office twisted tower complete scenes (not just the towers) multiple houses ( exterior only and two interior exterior houses completely furnished) plant characters whatever (but I'm not concerned about that type of scene because I barely ever do that anymore) or a bunch of plants buildings ground streets vehicles whatever (everything except maybe 5 buildings no more than 2 or three fully furnished and only no more than two with characters and animals no more than 6 total all hd is poser imports) with lights. All of which except that one I mentioned above render fine on my m6000 mixed with my 2x e5-2630 9 6 core CPUs and 96gb ram. But I guess I'm asking will those scenes render on octane or am I REQUIRED to get another m6000 because like I said that isn't EVER gonna happen PERIOD 

    I do a lot of Octane, and am currently about to get another GPU and try Iray. (I want to be lazy.  :-) )  If you have any questions just download and try it. In particular check out the system tab to get a feel for RAM usage. Your GPU needs to hold your geometry, but all your textures can be on your CPU, and this has little impact on performance. (10%?)

    Octane is hands down faster, and more intuitive to use.

    I've attached a render that took 15 minutes to run. I rarely do postwork.  That's 3 Genesis 8s @Subd3 or 4, and another Genesis 8.  The skin shaders are complex, and many surfaces were PBR. It used over 20GB in Octane, in my GTX1660 TI OC.

    The only downside to Octane is the effort you may need to put in for shader work. Shaders don't generally translate well from 3DL\Iray to Octane.

     Hello UHF

    fun: your image remind me an old unfinished project of mine :-) ! 2 "medics" and 2 "robots" in a lab !

    1250 x 1250 - 559K
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