I need more EYES

I'm lookin' (ba-dum, tsh!) at you, RawArt, lol. Seriously, though...I need me a TRICLOPS. Or preferably INDIVIDUAL EYES THAT CAN BE ADDED TO ANY FIGURE, USING THE SAME UV AS SAID FIGURE. I managed to slap one together using RawArt's Tentacle Soup, but there is a serious lack of extra eyes around here. I know there's also Black Widow, but that has 6 extra eyes.
So, to clarify, a rigged, standalone, extra eye (either a prop or a geograft; probably a prop) that can be placed anywhere on any given figure, preferably using said figure's own texture/UV maps for Face and Iris/Pupil, so they'll match and be compatible. I managed to jerry-rig one last night, but...I can't make it wink or have the lower lid curve up like the person is smiling unless I do some d-forming to it. I came up w/ this particular character idea using one of the Gacha-Life/Club apps, but porting it over to 3D proved to be more challenging. I ended up using the character's Torso map scaled to something like 0.82 vertical tiles, and the eye texture was even more complicated.

Ideally, the lids for the 3rd eye wouldn't be quite as...obviously unattached as this; maybe a trans map would work for the edges, but this is basically rendered on a shortened tentacle that's hidden inside his head.
...That sounds really weird. I say the weirdest things when I'm setting up renders.
Anyway, it would be nice if the eye had morphs for the eyes being slit (like a cat's), or wide (like a goat's), star, cephalopod, dilated, contracted, etc., or could take the same morphs that the figure has; I had to tweak the map more to get it to be slightly narrower.
There is a product from another PA that should hit the store soon that may be what you're looking for. That's all I can say ;).
XD Looking forward to it!
And it's out. https://www.daz3d.com/outfit-for-arm-of-the-demon-king-for-genesis-8-males > has an eye on the forehead (third eye) attachment and indentation morph. :)
I see, thanks!
My first render using it~
Not quite what I was hoping for, but still very nice. I would've preferred a horizontal orientation, or the option to have both, but what I really wanted was eyelids, so I could make it blink, wink, frown, smile, etc. Oh well.