October's Project 2021 - retiring soon

Thought it would come in handy during the heat waves of summer ;-)
Download from Sharecg.com
n.b. Only the coffin model is included. All others, nope.

Air Floating Coffin Promo.png
1000 x 1000 - 1M

Air Floating Coffin Promo 10 minute cut off.png
1000 x 1000 - 3M
Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
most amazing coffin ever! didn't even know that they really existed, i just read it in your post... finally, our 3d goths, vampires or modern vikings can play dead, sleep away from urban explorers or have a trendy burial at sea! this is just the inspiration i needed to plug myself back into DS (life being the b** it is, i really wasn't motivated these days...).
thanks a lot for creating & sharing this fantastic coffin! also educating me as to their IRL existence.
hmm.. you noticed that most of our conversations are about coffins or morgue items?should we be alarmed? XDDDD
EDIT: goggling for the real floats, i saw this:
your float seems to be the introvert version - what about this one, for extroverted vampires & humans? ;)
The one time I actually asked the forum software to save a draft and it didn't!
Okay ... no, there's no reason to be concerned, all apart of life yeah.
Thanks for the idea, have added it to the ideas basket ...
At a good price right now there is a set of Iray Shaders for plastic which should work nicely with these floating devices.
I fear the only time I need a floating anything is when I am on a camping holiday and the rain, well, it tends to do that a lot. The need I have for swimming pools is minimal with my effect on holidays as rivers spontaneusly grow to join me inside my tent wherever I go. Which makes it even odder to see a PINK, FLOATING COFFIN. You what??!?!
Just why would anyone? Maybe it's cultural & the Brits are irredeemably stuffy. I dunno.
hehehe ... they also come in black, clear, gold, lavender, etc. Only a few hundred dollars! And some brave {or um, foolish} folk are using them in the ocean. Given that plastic is not shark proof I don't recommend use in any natural body of water ;-) The internet is an amazing source of all kinds of information lol ... things for sale we never knew would ever exist!
lol that IS an old one! ;-)
Here you go manekiNeko : One Air Float for those Vampires, etc. Sharecg.com
See the readme ... and as I don't have handy a shareable coffin handle atm, everybody will have to find/make their own texture. I did uvmap it to make this as easy a task as possible and even remembered to include the template :-)
I have a little emission on the Iray mat hence the funny shadows on the float ;-)
yeah.. i guess morgues and coffins are part of "life".. in a way. or death is part of life. somehow tho, it still feels like a paradox cuz the one kinda contradicts the other but in the big picture, i agree. and then anyway, all those floats are used by live people - at least... until they actually do what you mentioned below, and go on high sea party with the sharks as the main course XDDD
well.. one attribute of mad people is that they usually don't realize they're mad. so if the world seems completly mad, i guess it actually is, all of it, which means thee & me probably too - we just didn't get the memo XDD
yaaaaaaayyyyy! you made it! and it looks fabulous! thanks a lot! ^^ it's awesome, you're awesome :D
i did a quick test, it's excellent. wanna finish the scene, but do need to stuff some food in myself before i finish it and then render it tonight. guess i'll post it 2morrow if it doesn't suck too much ;) not sure i'll find the energy right now to find/print the handles, but we'll see...
You're very welcome :-)
One would need to check for OR ask the copyright holder for permissions before using just any ol' image commercially - however for personal use there are all kinds of real coffin handles displayed some of which I found using Google Search.
Decided there should be something like a hostess for this October Project, so after much doodling around, here she is,
The Mortician {and yes this is one of those clipart pieces I make that people may download and use "responsibly" as they please.
[be sure if downloading this to save it as a .png file to preserve the transparency]
On the building burners we have a coffin, a contraption to prevent body snatchers [apparently they were another real life thing], and who knows all what else.
How do you think universities got cadavers to dissect for anatomical studies?
Same way hospitals get organs for transplants ... but apparently no that was not an accurate belief. So until certain laws were made, apparently they just helped themselves [in the dark after the mourners had left].
Here we go: The Grave Keeper!
As it is just a prop, can easily be resized for use over any gravesite. The promo image shows Genesis for size reference.
When I first saw pictures of these, I thought they were being used by a certain type of people in an effort to keep vampires in their graves. But no, it was to keep the body snatchers from stealing away the corpses to sell them to the universities and hospitals. To keep people who they thought may be vampires from getting up again, they would put a clump of dirt into their mouths.
you will never cease to surprise me with your extensive knowledge and curiosity of things cemetarish/morguish... i had to search this one for a bit, since there are millions of goggle entries about all sorts of game grave keepers and the likes. for those interested: check MORTSAFE. story is pretty interesting. dr. frankenstein would have been positively annoyed XDDD - tho leonardo (and us!) was(are) lucky it was invented later...
anyways, thanks a lot! for this new cool freebie - and the continued educational inputs ^^. in a way, it's funny how much energy people put into death - especially those who can't be bothered as long as their relatives are still alive *shrug*. btw, when you work on those, are you technically working the graveyard shift? ;) badum-tsss XD
wanted to finish scenes , render stuff and post it, but i'm sick - again. so yeah, at some point i'll post pix related to those october freebies here ^^
Looking forward to seeing your renders here :-)
Yes, I thought of Dr. Frankenstein too -- actually the movie spoof of it by Mel Brooks, Young Frankenstein. That would have been one big grave to be putting a cage over lol ...
I model at any ol' time of the day or night, nothing specific. City road crew works 24/7. They're putting in a tunnel. They think it's for a train. We live near a river. There is a high water table. I think the canal will look nice with some goldfish in it ;-) This is a major project. Going to require a lot of goldfish! Maybe some guppies and seaweed too :-) They claim that when all is said and done they will be putting ground back on top of the tunnel and rebuilding the parkland, planting 2 trees for every 1 they took out. They took out some non-native trees that are next to impossible to get growing here. A real challenge to germinate from seed. I managed to get some seeds germinated BUT after a week all the plants died. Most plants die in about a week or two in this apt. This probably indicates something I try not to worry about. Bought some expensive lights and am managing now to keep alive some green onions but they don't have a long lifespan [esp. if you eat them].
I found a blueprint [not that I follow those] and a photo for an idea for a coffin next. A pretty pink coffin of course.
For headstones ... I think everybody probably has quite the collection by now ... but who knows, maybe I'll find something rare and/or seldom heard of.
Loosely based on reality, here's the Pink Coffin. Feel free to re-texture it as you please of course :-)
Coffin has 3 parts: The base, the lid and an insert. The Lid has 2 window layers ... if making top viewing renders one might be able to use an image render of their figure as a texture [saving on the overall polycount in the scene]. There is room for the figure and some padding and pillows too. As a prop file, it can be resized [parented everything together to resize]. If solidifying the appearance of the coffin, one does not require the insert.
Important: This loads with the basic [3Delight] type shaders. Be sure to switch over to Iray shaders if rendering in Iray. Mixing shader types can/will result in D/S crashing.
After placing a figure inside, one then sees the hair vanishing -- check the opacity settings on the window layers. Some glass shaders have it up too high and thus hide the hair.
May be used for commercial and non-commercial image renders.
There is a country in which some people are having their photos taken of themselves in an open face coffin ... this is not my thing so I did not follow the zillion "next" prompts to discover why.
On Sharecg.com
LOL My son want's me to make him an avatar for his gaming and discord, he loves this sort of thing so Thank You.
Quite welcome! That should make for an interesting avatar :-)
WIP - something of a working graveyard ... not on too detailed a level 'cause hay. 4 sites on one plane.
The Working Graveyard!
Yes, the tops can be opened, one can lower/raise coffins or secret agents or whatever - floor surface could be zeroed if lowering into secret caves [not included]. Everything is UVMapped. The tombstone will take the images one can acquire [free] from the online tombstone generator or one can make one's own of course. Template included for the Tombstone. See readme for more info.
No textures included.
May be used for commercial and non-commercial image renders.
Oh yes, loads with the basic [3Delight] type shader. Promos were rendered with those, in Iray. Best to switch everything over to Iray shaders for rendering in Iray [don't mix shader types ;-) ]
On PC+ for a day, don't miss this if you want it: https://www.daz3d.com/nightmare-hair-for-genesis-3-female-s-and-male-s
In response to a request elsewhere in the forums, I made a geograft plate for G8F's head. I'm pretty sure this could come in handy over here in the October project :-)
Sharecg.com link
Okay for commercial and/or non-commercial image renders.
Loads with basic 3DL, included a basic Iray mat, included the template - nice large space for marking out computer wiring, etc. It has 2 surfaces, the edge loop one could match to the skin's colour, the Left Hood surface can hold a texture - or one can turn the opacity down to see inside her head!
No other models or shaders included of course. I applied a leather shader to the skeleton, a rock shader to the Left Hood, the Iray Ghostly shader to G8F.
This isn't 'new' but may be desired in post op by someone. It's a real funeral bouquet arrangement for placing on top of the coffin. It's a .png file.
I suspect M4's skeleton could be useful for the project. Was for sale last week surprisingly cheap. I don't use M4, so fitted it as a wearable inside G8F. Then made G8F invisible...
Just a thought.
Oh yes, I've got all that stuff too, years ago ;-) V4, M4, some independent ones, innards too :-) And more recently some goofy skins and figures.
Here's one of 'em. Rendered it out with and without the Dome drawn - yes people can download and use my little renders, responsibly ;-)
And there's a quick setup of it in the graveyard.
I really like this render, the expression on her face is priceless lol ...
Both V4 and M4's skeletons are in today's $1.99 basket if anybody is interested.
I am editing this post.
And the final piece for October Project 2021 is not exactly free. I used merchant resources that said no freebies :-( However I did make and include a Bonus: free surprize.
see next post