Error with Lightning Bolt AA in Light Up The Dark
I bought Light Up The Dark DAZ Studio Lights
and while playing around with it I encouter an error with Lightning Bolt AA Prop.
It won`t load and the log file is saying
D:/Dokumente/Light Presets/MASY/LightUpTheDark/Supplemental Lights/Advanced Supplementals/Lightning Bolt AA.duf (1503,0): Illegal new-line in string
The other Linghtning Bolt is working fine even the Headlights AA is working. Only the Lightning Bolt AA doesn`t work.
Does anyone know what this error means and how to fix it?
I made that preset, but I've never seen an error like that, and I have no idea what would cause it. Please submit a ticket to Support.
OK; I open an Support ticket for that - thank you.
Try redownloading and reinstalling - in the Install Manager uninstall, then (if you kept the installer) right-click on it in the Ready to install tab and delete it. If that doesn't help there may be a problem with the copy on the DAZ servers, so please open a support ticket
OK; I try
same error after uninstalling and new installing...
made a support ticket