Fishing Gear and Tackle

I've searched just about every online site that sells Poser/DAZ Studio products, and cannot find one source for fishing gear. What I'm looking for is both modern and vintage morphing (bending) fishing poles (rod and reel, bamboo, etc.); modern and vintage tackle (lures, bobbers, sinkers, hooks, etc.); and both modern and vintage tackle boxes.
Also, a larger selection of fresh-water (game) fish would be awesome. The Bass and Bass Fish Expansion are all I could find available.
I like it! sounds cool!
I was needing the same thing awhile back, and this was all I could find:
Please I need FLY FISHING POLE, also modern and older fishing poles and tackle boxes, hooks and the whole 9 yards. Don't care what it cost to purchase. Please can some one start to work on creating this.
I need this gear for my bass fishing scenes. Why bother having fish for sale on the Daz 3D site, if there is no way to catch them. No way to create fishing sport scenes and so forth.
I just wanna say that you have a truly awesome avatar.
I am looking for the same items, Made a bass lure for myself. You can get it at for Poser and for DAZ Studio.:cheese: