Someone please create a plugin for this drag & drop

PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
edited May 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

Folks, please weigh in on this idea. I'm hoping that a DAZ whiz-kid can create a plugin to create a drag & drop function to aid those of us that move the Lost and Found items into folders where it makes sense for them to reside. There are plenty of plugins for older generations of products, so why not create this plugin. What I'm looking for is a designated function to drag WHOLE products over to a new destination. AND display how many files are in the folder for that product. Why the file count? Because there may already be a folder at the destination with the same name but with fewer files in it. We'd need to know that so we can delete that folder first. If it has the same file count then we could simply delete the folder in the Lost & Found. A simple program would work. No need for anything fancier. Just an easy, drag and drop, whole product, transfer plugin. Anyone with me on this? Please weigh in. Yes, I know it can be done now, using a time-consuming, frustrating, process. It needs to be faster and easier. So, any heroes out there? You create it and we will buy it.

Post edited by Piquant on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    I don't understand what you are looking for - you can already drag-and-drop from the Content Library to Smart Content, with the base item selected in the scene. And why do you want to give all of the files the same category, or even compatibility? Aside from the fact that in most products it's going to be only one or two items that don't already have a category, in many products the compatibility will be mixed (e.g. clothes comaptible with the base figure, materials conmaptibkle with their respective clothes).

  • DafaDafa Posts: 97

    If you want the entire smart content to move, just open it up in Explorer, Ctrl X to cut and Ctrl V to paste where you want it to go. Then in daz just change (or add) the directory settings so DAZ knows what folder to look in. Ez

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    Dafa said:

    If you want the entire smart content to move, just open it up in Explorer, Ctrl X to cut and Ctrl V to paste where you want it to go. Then in daz just change (or add) the directory settings so DAZ knows what folder to look in. Ez

    That would move the content on disc, it has nothing to do with categorisation.

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    OK. To simplify. After following advice on YouTube for cleansing my database, quite a few products dropped back into the Lost & Found. This is frustrating because I need to clear the L&F for my own peace of mind. AND if I don't move them then those products will display Lost and Found in the product location. My reasons for moving them to a logical location are many. The procedure I follow is to highlight the L&F items one at a time, then go to where I believe they belong in Smart Content to see if there is already a folder for it in that location. If so, I compare the list of files and decide which one to keep. If they are the same I delete the one in L&F. If not, I choose the folder with the most files and use the "Move" function after deleting the one in the destination (If that one has fewer files). There are different combinations for this procedure, but you get the idea. Ideally, it would be great to have a plug-in that searches the Library and shows the product, the instances of the product, and gives me the ability to chose or move from one window. If that is too complex then the ability to drag and drop WHOLE products into the preferred location would work. Right now the process is clumsy and time-consuming and WHOLE products cannot be dragged and dropped. You can drag and drop individual files, but not the entire product folder. Sometimes it takes days to clear the Lost and Found.

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I don't want ANY files in the L&F. Period. When I open a product that is in L&F, regardless of whether I'm opening a shortcut to it in another folder or not, the product information says "Lost and Found." This is unacceptable. I DO use a method to move the content using the "Move" function. This is slow and takes a long time, sometimes days (as I've said before). So, back to my request to anyone out there that can make this: Create a simple plugin that allows a fast, easy, compare and transfer, process for those of us that don't want to leave things in the L&F digital junk drawer.

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    I'm not even sure what you mean by the Move function.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I already understand your process, cridgit. But it's longer and more aggravating than using the Move feature you say you don't know about. See snapshot. I'm not asking for help to DO that, I'm asking for a plugin that makes what I'm already doing more streamlined. The snapshot is taken of the L&F directory while hovered over the MOVE function. Before I can use that, I have to travel to the folder where it should go, see if there is already a folder for this in there. If so, check how many files are in there and either replace that folder with the one from the L&F or delete the L&F folder. This method is less time-consuming than your method, but it's still clumsy. I want a plugin that streamlines the process, for those of use that won't tolerate the presence of the L&F folder. The snapshot is having trouble uploading.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    It won't upload. So here's what it looks like. My arow is poised over the product in the Content Libray, within the L&F folder. I right-click and choose the "Move Categoryto," which brings up a window I then have to scroll through and locate the destination folder. That's the MOVE function.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    Why do DAZ employees, and the like, protect the sovereignty of the digital junk drawer (L&F) folder? You've even said it doesn't belong. Why not remove it, if you're already sure it exists within the hierarchy somewhere? It's just sloppy. Go ahead. Convince me that I'm wrong about that. Regardless of what you say I'm still going to say that someone has to deal with those files. You've left it up to the consumer, so why not create a slick, quick, method to move them out of there?

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • Hi everyone, I asked tech support if I would have the possibility of making a language plugin.
    I would like to make games because I have good ideas.
    But unfortunately I don't speak English and this makes it difficult to work with something that is not in your language.
    I'll give you a good example here, the program I have here called Adobe Photoshop it has a language plugin, this made my life much easier.
    The technical support told me that he doesn't know anyone who works in the internal departments, who could do this and he asked me to post a message on the forum, to see if someone can develop a plugin for my language lol, Portuguese.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I didn't include pictures because this page would not LET me upload pictures! I said that already. As for no patience, I am exhausted by all of the circuitous methods to deal with the L&F that DAZ suggests. There needs to be a plugin solution that simplifies it since they won't make it go away. As for my demeanor, I've been upset about the L&F since I started in DAZ a couple of years ago. You say you put in a lot of time to explain your process. OK. I thank you for that. I am sorry I bit at you. Still, WHY did it take you so much time and words to describe your method? Because the L&F is a pain in the butt! Today, the Forum is letting me post pictures. These two shots show a simple method for a straightforward MOVE to another folder. But it's almost never that simple. That's why a dedicated plugin would be worth the money.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    As for the "magic fairy" concept-- why do you think I started this thread? I want a programmer to create a dedicated plugin for the L&F! Some friggin digital FAIRY DUST. Yeah, that's right!

    LandF Move function 1.png
    518 x 312 - 18K
    LandF Move function 2.png
    659 x 491 - 33K
  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    Into my second week now for cleaning up the L&F after following the database cleanup video on YouTube, which threw a lot of products back into the L&F. I had exported my metadata first and re-imported it after. Most of the products in L&F were also in the folders they were supposed to be AND entirely in the L&F as well! So why not just delete everything in the L&F and be done with it? Because there are products in the destination folders that do not have ALL of the files. So, I have to compare each one before deleting the L&F copy. If the database was correct before running the reset and re-importing then why does it restore with two copies? That seems like a major flaw to me. This is another reason why we need a plugin to quickly compare copies and eliminate or move one of them. There's a lot of work to do on this. Why shove it under the rug? There's big money ready to be made for a slick L&F plugin. Has to be clean, simple, and concise, though. You MAKE and sell copies of this new plugin and I'll not only buy a copy, I'll buy the T-Shirt! T-Shirt design-- "{Product name} KILLED the L&F!" Or, "HATE. IT. L&F! Kill it with {Product name}!" Whatever. I'll buy it.

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I read it. Thank you.

    Yes, I am volatile about the L&F. I. Hate. It. I will re-read your work to see what you said about that. My primary purpose for this thread was to encourage someone to develop a slick, simple, plugin (or fairy dust) for dealing with the L&F folder. When it comes to ways to go through the many processes as they exist now, I have little patience with them. Currently, I've been working on the post-database cleanup L&F folder, five days have now elapsed since I started moving files BACK out of the L&F. And I'm still working on it. Saving out the metadata and re-importing it did not help much. That will be the subject of another thread, in which I will not complain about anything and won't ask for a software plugin. Also, no mention of the L&F folder.

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