3d Delight isnt working the way I remember it

XadeXade Posts: 236
edited May 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

editing to insert images

I'm using pwtoon, and if memory serves it's a 3d delight render engine but when I set up a very basic scene in pwtoon with a few cell shaders from a third party but now it renders like crap. this is the current render of a scene I whipped up. Edit, the lines are messed up and not there.is there a way to get them back?

This is the iray render

And finally, an image from my old comic Insanity of Xade, which is a 3d delight render

SO, what happened over the years?


a4 3d delight.png
684 x 783 - 467K
a4 iray.png
666 x 812 - 609K
Alex in garden.png
403 x 462 - 418K
Post edited by Xade on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    In the Editor tab of the Surfaces pane select a surface that should be tooning, then look at top-left to see the shader used on that surface - what does DS say it is?

  • XadeXade Posts: 236
    edited May 2021

    daz studio default is what it says, how do I get it off that?

    Edit, ohhh I see. I changed the filters in the install manager to not display anything but programs because I didn't feel like searching through my mountainous library for daz for bryce and hexagon related things. Guess I forgot to click plugins but after some thinking time, I thought I would check my filters and found pw products. I didn't realize they were plugins. I simply downloaded them and unzipped them into my library in my documents for easy access. Oops.

    Now, if I could figure out how to remove that black from the plane Id be all set and making my own presets with lots of fiddling around to get the look I want

    673 x 851 - 444K
    Post edited by Xade on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    Xade said:

    daz studio default is what it says, how do I get it off that?

    Edit, ohhh I see. I changed the filters in the install manager to not display anything but programs because I didn't feel like searching through my mountainous library for daz for bryce and hexagon related things. Guess I forgot to click plugins but after some thinking time, I thought I would check my filters and found pw products. I didn't realize they were plugins. I simply downloaded them and unzipped them into my library in my documents for easy access. Oops.

    Now, if I could figure out how to remove that black from the plane Id be all set and making my own presets with lots of fiddling around to get the look I want

    Surfaces viewed at a glancing angle do tend to come out black, it is (I think) one of the ways the shader spots edges.

    The Plug-ins filter doesn't just include true plug-ins but anything that isntalls "like a plug-in", placing files in the application folder - older shaders, like PW Toon, and some scripts are also included in that.

  • XadeXade Posts: 236
    edited May 2021

    yeah, I thought that was the case when it comes to installing the PW line.

    As for the black, it turns out it was an outline issue. I forgot that flat backgrounds like that cannot have outlines. they can have inner but not out.

    Thank you for your time, Richard and I am very pleased that you are still around after all this time.

    Have a fantastic day.

    PS, here is the finished test render. The background is white, I forgot to change it to something else. :P

    Post edited by Xade on
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