Can I get a parented item to move/shape with the item it's parented to ?

I wanted to change the look of the WW2 boots (for something a bit more Clockwork Orange), so i hid the laces that came with them and "re-laced" them with several bits of rope.  This looked pretty good.  I parented the new laces to the boots but when the boots change shape, like when I load a character and fit to it, the laces don't "expand" with the boot model (see pictures).  Can I somehow "anchor" the laces to the boot at each end so they will stay in he right place and change when the boot shape changes ?  Or am i asking too much and will have to delve into Blender ?

315 x 368 - 40K
269 x 348 - 56K


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,848

    Instead of parenting try fitting them - load the boots, import your OBJ for the laces, and go to Edit>Figure>Transfer Utility. Set the boots as the Source, the laces as the Target, and click Accept.

  • thanks, I'll try that, there are a lot of options/commands I never use and it's hard ot find out what they actually do

  • Took some fiddling about to get the OBJ to load in exactly the righ place and size, but it looks good.

    thank you so much.

    I'm wondering what else I can modify now using the same technique.

    1055 x 854 - 280K
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