Consumer grade cars from the 80s or 90s

Haven't been able to find a single car or sedan from the 80s or 90s.
There are a couple vans that are alright but I'm working on a period piece set in the 1990s and everything is either too new or a classic 70s hotrod
Need something that families or business people might drive to the office and school.
Well, I bought my 2CV nearly new in 1990. The DS model of that is the Teuf-Teuf. I appreciate it is not everyone's cup of tea, but it is correct period and plausible in Europe.
Over on Renderosity, Dry Jack has done a freebie Fiat Panda, and the UK registration number indicates a 1980's car. Again not everyone's cup of tea, but suitable for European scenes. Both were used as family cars and I certainly drove to the office in my 2CV. We drove the kids to school in the car too, but not for long as the car was getting a little elderly by then.
Thanks for the suggestion, that is a great car! Have not seen one of those in the USA before. I apologize, I should have specified.
In the 90s my friends and I took an 88 Dodge Omni to school, my family had a 90s Buick Skylark.
Would really love a model like a Cadillac Deville for business people or even painted as a police cruiser.
For recognizable brands Daz is not the place to go because of copyright concerns. And the period, as you’ve pointed out, is not a popular one.
Hopefully these may help, though:
Background verhicles: 20 lowrez vehicles by powerage in the other store. Some look to be in the 80s.
Hero vehicles: Powerage also has an El Camino- the editorial tab will give you a better idea of the vehicle, which was produced until the mid 80s (5th gen).
3DClassic and Schurby at Rendo also have good vehicles: you alone know what you need so check out their stores and see if any of those will work for you.
There’s also this police car from Valandar: It might work but would need serious retexturing and use of bump/normal maps for use in Iray.
And while you’ve stated “Consumer grade” cars, probably the most iconic 80s car is the DMC Delorean. There used to be one here called the Gull Wing Full but it’s no longer available. Lwanmtr at Rendo has one and so does Monika at RenderHub.
That’s all I got.
The only suitable options I can think of are Squir models (expensive and most lack rigging) or having a friend export models from a videogame. All either cost or labor intensive options - my experience with existing Forza models at least, they don't include the .mtl files so you're spending hours matching up texture sets. The biggest problem with real car models is liscensing.
I was trying to do a 50's noir-themed thing, but the lack of available convincing models made me scrap that idea. The Prince is close at certain angles, but still too "poshy Euro" for classic noir.
How about this freebie:
You might also find something here:
The geometry looks very good on the blue car, textures... typical Poser...
Browsing through the CGTrader is propably going to take the rest of the workday
, some pretty good looking ones there, too bad that some are only in "max" format.