Missing Files

I bought the Storybook Mouse and (as I didnt already have him) Genesis Male 8.1 but when I try loading the mouse I get a missing files error message

data/daz 3d/genesis 8/male 8_1/uv sets/daz 3d/base/base 8.1 male.dsf

Also I noticed there is no icon in my content library for Male 8.1,. in my Female Gen 8 library I have both 8 and 8.1 loading icons. I have tried installing the Male 8.1 again manually and using the install manger but still get the missing file message.

Any help would be grately appreciated. thanks


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Genesis 8.1 Male is part of Genesis 8 Starter Essentials. You need to update that to get him. He is not something you purchase individually. Did you buy Michael 8.1 by mistake? You don't need him. 

  • HarbadixHarbadix Posts: 126

    I bought 8.1 male cos the mouse said it was for 8.1


  • JVRendererJVRenderer Posts: 661

    Harbadix said:

    I bought 8.1 male cos the mouse said it was for 8.1

    Mouse for 8.1 means you need genesis 8.1 (it does not come with Mouse 8.1)

    Genesis 8.1 male or female is NOT for sale. It is free, and part of the Genesis 8 Essential package. You can download them thru Daz Central or DIM (Daz Install Manager.

  • HarbadixHarbadix Posts: 126

    OK let me refraze that, I bought Michael 8.1 (thinking I need that to get Genesis Male 8.1)

    Anway that asside, I have installed the Genesis 8 Starter Essentials and am still getting the same missing file error message

  • HarbadixHarbadix Posts: 126

    OK seems I missed one of the files on download, everything installed now and the mouse loaded in, thanks you your help

  • JVRendererJVRenderer Posts: 661

    Harbadix said:

    OK seems I missed oneCheer of the files on download, everything installed now and the mouse loaded in, thanks you your help

    Cheers !

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    If you don't want to keep Michael 8.1, which you bought mistakenly, submit a help request for a refund.
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