Trouble Instaling TonnyCam Pro

Just like the title says I can not install TonnyCam Pro onto my computer properly. Im using Daz (64-bit) and runing Windows 10.

The install says that it can not find Daz. (see atached file) When I try to run it, it says it can not find a file. (see other attached file)

I have had it installed before with earlier versions of Daz but I do not see why I am having this issue.

Thanks in advance for you help.

Screenshot 2021-05-11 114230.png
524 x 119 - 10K
Screenshot 2021-05-11 113816.png
677 x 414 - 25K


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,847

    How did you install Daz Studio? Ideally you should use the same method for things that install like plug-ins (as I recall Toony Cam isn't a plug-in, but it does place some files it the application folder).

  • I intsalled Daz the same way I always have using the DIM. ToonyCam Pro is an .exe file. This is the same arangement as the last time I used it with an earlier Daz version. It sould work with Daz 4.x though.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,847

    Try installing Toony Cam through Install Manager.

  • brucefoster369brucefoster369 Posts: 13
    edited May 2021

    I would. That would solve everything, however, it was only ever released as an .exe file and Daz no longer supports it.

    Post edited by brucefoster369 on
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