Eyebrow Materials won't load

This is probably super basic, but I tried searching the forums for other people that might be having the same issue and couldn't pinpoint the exact same thing. 

The issue is that I'll get these G8M/G8F characters that have different eyebrow matrerials with the colors and stuff. When I double click them to apply them to the figure, there's nothing. If I select their head specifically and then doubel click, nothing. I'll click and drag it, and there's nothing. I also tried switching to IRAY view to see if it would pop up there, it didn't. I rendered and image super quick to see if it would pop up there (some products are like that) and it still didn't come through. I did contact the creator of this specific model, but I've got a couple of models from Daz specifically that have this same issue. I didn't know if it was something that I was doing or something that I had to select in the surfaces tab or what. I also checked to make sure they didn't have an "eyebrow anatomy" bit like Kyoji does, no cigar. Again, I'm sure this is a super simple thing that I'm over looking, but I have it happening with so many models that I'm thinking that I'm doing something wrong. Thanks again in advanced. 

eyebrow issue.png
2640 x 1027 - 2M


  • Gemini QueenGemini Queen Posts: 263

    EDIT - I stand corrected. This figure specifically has an eyebrow antomy that I was overlooking (figured) but some of the other ones that I have don't. I'll go look for them and post what I'm talking about. 


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