New Computer - Optimal Daz Studio Windows Install Method?

Finally, after waiting since October I got my hands on a new motherboard and Ryzen 5000x CPU!
I had Daz issues with my last system, possibly due to the install... so I want to avoid that. I have 2 drives in this system now, C: for OS and games D: for Daz. Daz Studio program I want on C:, but I want all the Daz content on D:, except my custom stuff in my user profile directory.
All my content was installed before using Daz Install Manager - installing content on the new computer is easy with DIM since I exported to CSV what was installed on the old box, and then I can import that into DIM on the new computer. Can I take that DIM export of what's installed and use that with Daz Central/Content Manager?
Am I better off installing Daz Studio from DIM, or downloading the separate Daz Studio installer?
Given your set up you would be ebst off using Install Manager, Daz Central lacks the flexibility.