Renders being aborted

scwaspscwasp Posts: 17

I'm trying to do some larger and more complex renders with multiple characters. Everytime I try to render with 5 or more characters however, the render attempt get's aborted.

I've gotten two different errors -

DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "G:\Daz Main Destination\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\libs\iray\libiray.dll" at 0033:00000000E4E5E8D0, mi_plugin_factory()+132864 byte(s)

DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "G:\Daz Main Destination\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\libs\iray\libneuray.dll" at 0033:0000000004A47D71, mi_neuray_factory_deprecated()+1327793 byte(s)


And if I'm reading the daz logfile correct, it seems to indicate that it's a memory issue (line 63 in pastebin link) -

However I don't understand why it's says it's trying to allocate from only "13.329 GiB of available device memory", seeing as I have a gtx 3090 which should have 24 gb of available vram unless I'm missing something?


I'm using Daz version, the latest nvidia studio driver, and I've used all the assets for other renders before without issues


Anyone that can explain what's happening here based on the info and log details? Am I really just using all 24 gb of my 3090's vram trying to render this handful of characters?


edit - Could it be because I only have 32gb of ram in my pc? been looking around a bit, and from people that have 3090's it sounds like you'll run out of regular system ram before you hit the 24 vram limit of the 3090 even if you have 64gb of system ram?

Post edited by scwasp on


  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,591

    Yes - most people shoot for 2-3 times (System RAM vs. VRAM). Exactly what the ratio needs to be is scene dependent, etc.

    - Greg

  • scwaspscwasp Posts: 17

    algovincian said:

    Yes - most people shoot for 2-3 times (System RAM vs. VRAM). Exactly what the ratio needs to be is scene dependent, etc.

    - Greg

    Just to confirm - You're saying that in your view, this would most likely be a lack of regular system ram causing the problems? 

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,591

    Sounds like it to me. Obviously, I can't guarantee anything.

    Maybe you could try monitoring VRAM and system RAM usage in realtime as you try one of these renders and take note of exactly when it fails. You may also want to make sure your driver wasn't changed on you by Windows Update or something (which could explain why it seemed to work previously).

    Personally, I'd want at least 64GB RAM for a 3090 - preferably 128GB.

    - Greg

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