Daz Studio in remote computer

mathiasdeckmanmathiasdeckman Posts: 113

Hey All!

So this is a nuts and bolts, nitty gritty question that I just came across after I set up a small rendering farm for myself.  This render farm consists of three computers- each running Windows 10 pro, latest and greatest, Nvidia 461.72, Daz studio 4.11 and 4.15.  I have these systems hooked up to a KVM switch. I use teamviewer to remote into these Windows 10 boxes from my main computer, which is running windows 7 ultimate.

When I remote into these W10 machines- and fire up daz studio (either version) i get nothing but a greyed out viewport...unless I manually switch to the machine via the KVM switch- which restores everything. if i disconnect and reconnect, grey viewport again. Changing render types, cameras...nothing changes the grey viewport except for using the KVM switch.  Let me repeat that, since sometimes people don't listen. Nothing changes the grey viewport to normal except for using the KVM switch.

When I remote into my main computer (windows 7) from whatever X location, I don't get this issue. At all.  I use Teamviewer and chrome remote desktop as a backup, neither give this issue on my Windows 7 computer that also runs BOTH versrions of Daz studio. Let me repeat that; i don't have this issue on my main computer that has Windows 7.

I've read that sometimes a dummie plug is required for 'tricking' the system into thinking there is a monitor there, for instances like this. (for software not working correctly, etc)

My question is this: is there a trick to get Daz Studio to display a proper viewport on these three windows 10 machines- when its NOT selected by the KVM switch...OR do I need to buy a few dummie plugs to trick these boxes into displaying the viewport correctly? 

I do not have the option of installing Windows 7 on these boxes- the CPU only supports Windows 10 (and I already tried.)

Thank you to whom answers this- and i'm not looking for 'speculations' or 'theories'. I'm looking for straight up 100% it works answers.


EDIT: solved it myself. seems no one is willing to push this software beyond the quota. smh.

Post edited by mathiasdeckman on
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