Boogie roller girl

rebelgraphxrebelgraphx Posts: 218

There are no buttons on the shorts but they are there in the promos. Anyone else with this problem.

Update, this only happens when you load the shorts, the butttond are there when you load the entire clothing set.

Post edited by rebelgraphx on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,381

    rebelgraphx said:

    There are no buttons on the shorts but they are there in the promos. Anyone else with this problem.

    Update, this only happens when you load the shorts, the butttond are there when you load the entire clothing set.

    Usually there would bea  preset to load the buttons if they didn't load with the shorts, or a preset with and a prset without. Please report this as a possible product bug, though in the meantime you could just File>Save As>Wearables preset to ave out a version with shorts plus buttons.

  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,798

    I've seen some products where the buttons are separate objects attached to rigid follow nodes on the clothing - maybe this is one of those, and the shorts "on their own" have not been saved as the type of file (a wearables preset?) that will include all the other stuff as well as the shorts?

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,305

    This issue came up in another thread.  The shorts, when loaded separately from the outfit, load without buttons.

    AJC Boogie Roller Girl Outfit - Daz 3D Forums

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