Daz Studio programme bogging down.

kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
edited May 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

...been experiencing increasing lag with the Daz programme.  My content library is on a different drive than the main programme but that never seemed to be an issue before.  However, I've been noticing performance issues that I have never seen before. For the last month or so even simple operations have been getting lagging.  For example, when opening a folder in the content tree, there will be a short lag before it opens and at times I'll get a swirly for a while before I can proceed  This also occurs even when scrolling through a listing fo a particular item, such as shaders. The drive for my content library and runtimes is still fairly new so that shouldn't be the cause. 

I don't use Smart Content, and have never experienced this behaviour before even back in the day when I was still working on a 32 bit notebook.

Other programmes and my browser don't experience the same performance lags, just Daz.

Still running Beta which has been stable as a rock for me until this began. I shouldn't be connected to the Daz site (which is about the only explanation that would make sense) as I don't use Daz Central, Connect, or the Iray server.. Whne I'm working, I also close down Chrome as well as any other programmes, and set my AV to "invivible mode", so none of that should be inpacting the performance.  

Post edited by Chohole on


  • Silver DolphinSilver Dolphin Posts: 1,620

    The content system needs to be a seperate program. That is not going to happen though. It would help if it was a seperate program, that way only what is needed is loaded into main program not everything on the planet. I rarely use Daz Studio anymore, which is unfortunate because it was a great program but like you have described it has become too bogged down even on SSD's with tonnes of Ram and 16 cpu cores! Daz needs to go back to basics and just load what is needed to render a 2D image and drop the rest of the bling! Too much stuff and it gets bogged down. When you try to be great at everything you actually lose to everyone. Just be great at one thing, and for Daz studio that was 2D stills. We have other software for other things in 3D!

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,847

    If you are seeing lag in Daz Studio (whjich I gather is what you mean by the Daz programme) then it is likely to be something related to disc performance, such as an update to security software that is scanning each files as DS tries to access it.

    The amount of content installed is unlikely to dierctly affect the speed of populating a content folder. Having multiple separate content directories can certainly have an impact on loadign times - which is why it is recommended not to have too many - but the big performance issue with using content seems to be the number of proeprties and links; which is, of course, directly what a lot iof people want DS for - the ability to readily create a wide variety of characters.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...as I mentioned I shut down all other operations, including putting my AV in "silent" (eg. "sleep") mode while working as I am not on line (or shouldn't be at the time) so no scans are performed (I also have scans scheduled to run during idle times). This has also only occurred within the last month or so.  The drive I have my library on is fairly new and just a little over half full (over 450 GB of which is the IM .zips backup - that will remain on the HDD when I switch the content library over to an SSD).  At first I thought having the programme on C: and library/runtime on D: might be p[art of the issue but I never saw this in the past even with the version I am currently using.  The added features (many of which I don't need or would use) in later releases is also part of why I never bothered updating past (the other of course was that some of the newer releases were reported as being unstable and "buggy").  

    Much of the lag I am experiencing is happening when I am in the top end "Daz Library" which is all installed through the IM.  When I go to the "Poser Runtime" library (older content) which I have "departmentalised" somewhat similar to the Main Daz library (due to the lack of any standard naming convention and the silliness that Shaders end up in Poses folder - never understood that) I don't experience this. As long as Textures and Geometries are in the proper locations (with their given names) I have experienced no missing component errors and do not experience the same slowness issue I do in the main Daz Library folder. 

  • TBorNotTBorNot Posts: 370
    edited May 2021

    Sudden slowness is usually when fitting and smoothing get into an infinite loop fight with each other.  Get rid of fitted objects, turn off smoothing.  Bring each up one at a time until you figure out which one is causing problems.

    Getting faster hardware to speed Daz  is like getting a tune up for your car when someone left the air out of your tires.

    Post edited by TBorNot on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...what I am experiencing happens before I've even loaded any content into the workspace. I've been working with Daz for 13 years and until recently, never seen behaviour in the Content Tab that I'm experiencing. 

    Again this doesn't occur with any other programmes I run which makes me feel there is either some odd setting I accidentally activated, I am somehow linked online to Daz3D (though all indications in the programme say otherwise), or it's something with the CMS (though as mentioned, I never bother with Smart Content as it takes up too much display space and I have a lot of older content, a fair amount which is from the other store as well as freebies, that doesn't have metadata).

    Other than what I just mentioned (the SSDs, as I got a discount on them from a coupon offer) getting other new hardware like an MB, CPU and/or Memory is out of my budget.  I'm pretty much at the expansion limit for the rig I have (X58 MB with an LGA 1366 socket [maximum 6 core/12-thread) CPU], PCIe 2.0 expansion slots, and tri channel DDR3 memory [I also don't overclock as I don't bother with games]).  Thanks to the Crypto Rush of '21, it's also again impossible to get a newer high VRAM Nvida GPU right now (even a 3060 which comes the closest to my Titan-X in specs) without paying a king's ransom.   

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Have you looked at the log?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited May 2021

    ...from scanning through the logs of the last two sessions I found a number of interesting statements that seem to indicate a link to a Daz or Nvidia cloud service. 

    Unfortunately I am unable to post the segments of the logfile that I feel may be suspect as Clodflare keeps screaming about it, then blocks me from submitting the comment. . Not sure why this is occurring as I've seen many others post excerpts from logfiles.  I even tried to paste it in code and then and plain text format, but Clodflarte keeps intervening. so I'm left in the dark as to what the statements I excerpted mean (I've never seen them in previous logfiles).

    When I tried to post this I got a "page not found" error and after refreshing it informed me that I was "Signing In" even though I never left the forums.  This software really needs an overhaul.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,847

    Try taking a screen shot of the sections in question. Cloudflare blocks anything it suspects might be a code injection.

  • charlescharles Posts: 849

    I've also noticed that if you try and fit older generation clothes like G3 on a G8 you will get huge lag issues.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ..as I had a long session last night afterwards, the lines in of code question have likely been overwritten.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    charles said:

    I've also noticed that if you try and fit older generation clothes like G3 on a G8 you will get huge lag issues.


    ...the "lag" I am referring to has nothing to do with the fitting process (I do realise it sometimes takes a little longer to fit clothing from an older figure to a newer one), it is occurring while moving about and selecting folders/items in the Content Tab, and like I mentioned, even happens when nothing has been loaded in the viewport. 

  • charlescharles Posts: 849
    edited May 2021

    Bring up your task manager and check your CPU, Disk and Memory status and check your processess. Anything capping out?

    Is the experience only in Daz? WIndows file system maybe corrupt or chocked. Your not using any dynamic file or folder links are you?

    It might be a good idea to perform a disk check just to be sure you don't have any bad clusters. I take your using SSD? If so make sure none are over 90% capacity. SSD's need about 10% always free for matinance.



    Post edited by charles on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited May 2021

    ..I did and all were nominal.  Yes this is just with the Daz programme, nothing else like Chrome GMail, Word, Gimp, PSP, etc is affected like this. In Chrome, the only lag I occasionally get is connectivity or site server based which should not affect anything installed locally on the system.  

    I performed a disk check and cleanup the other night but it had little apparent effect on the issue (though it made general operations a bit smoother)..

    My Content Library is still on a separate HDD (fairly new) from the boot drive and I have a custom designed structure (as I've mentioned) for the Poser Runtimes which I pretty much patterned after the structure of the top end Daz Library (only the geometries and textures remain in their original folders) due to the haphazard set-up and lack of standard naming conventions. However again, this is occurring in the top end Daz Library structure   My C drive is only at about 565% capacity (35% free) and doesn't change very much as I also don't use DazConnect or Daz Central and the IM .zip installer folder is on D:, so that isn't the issue (asicall the only ting that gets amended in the C:/[....]Roaming/Daz3D folder is the logfile.

    I do not use dynamic folder links as I access everything by directly clicking on the Content tab tree (been doing that ever since I started in this over a dozen years ago).  I would consider Smart Content to be that type of link, but as I also mentioned, I don't use it..

    This pretty much leaves me with the sense that the CMS is the sustpect, but I'm no satabase progammer/specialist.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • charlescharles Posts: 849

    So check your task manager whenever this lag occurs inside of Daz, it might give a clue if the lag is related to CPU or Disk. If it is Disk then you should also be able to see which disk. In the meantime it might be a good idea to update your system drivers just to be sure. Does your mouse freeze too when this occurs or slows down or has skippy drag?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...as to the mouse, no on either account.

  • charlescharles Posts: 849
    edited May 2021

    It could still be any number of things, have you tried maybe installing the beta version of daz and seeing if it does the same thing?


    Post edited by charles on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...no as the version I am using is the beta which until this started happening has been rock solid and reliable.  Installing the new beta would overwrite it and also doesn't work as well with older Nvidia GPUs like my Titan-X.

  • charlescharles Posts: 849
    edited May 2021

    I take it you are running Windows 10? Did this maybe start after an update? Did you recheck your system drivers? Are there any conflicts in device manager?

    Try doing a windows cleanup, in search box for windows bottom left type Disk Cleanup click on that and clean up everything.


    Post edited by charles on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    If you clear your log before opening DS, and save the log once DS is open, can you attach the log (the file) to your post?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    charles said:

    I take it you are running Windows 10? Did this maybe start after an update? Did you recheck your system drivers? Are there any conflicts in device manager?

    Try doing a windows cleanup, in search box for windows bottom left type Disk Cleanup click on that and clean up everything.


    ...nope still with W7 Pro as it works perfectly fine for my needs. (PM-ing my reasons for not adopting W10 to not derail the discussion here). 

    Mentioned earlier that I did run Disk Cleanup. Drivers are all up to date (including Nvidia) and there are no conflicts. Te only item that shows in the log file at start-up is that no Sandia Mouse detected because I don't have one.  I use a standard USB optical mouse for general use and PS/2 ergo engineering trackball for working in Daz and other graphics software..

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    PerttiA said:

    If you clear your log before opening DS, and save the log once DS is open, can you attach the log (the file) to your post?

    ...I think it has to do with the code in the logfile excerpts as it mentions initilizing cloud plugins for Iray and later excptions to content filter paths relating to cloud installed content (which I have none of as I don't use Connect or Daz Central).

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