Cannot find Genesis Head Controls,Expressions or Visemes - 4.x

hey folks, this may have been asked before, but a while after a move to new hard disk and new (ish) macOS (High Sierra), it seems all of my Genesis (1) Head Posing controls, including expressions, visemes, etc has disappeared in the intervening period. it's all present for Genesis 2, 3 and up but missing for Genesis 1. all the shaping controls and body posing is fine. i looked in all of my data folders for base mesh morphs and everything appears to be there. even installed the Genesis starter bundle. so far tried 4.15, 4.10. and 4.9 all with the same result. i even pulled the Genesis folder from My Daz 3D Library under data/Daz 3D and emptied the cache. but Daz still seems to be getting the basic body morphs for Genesis, just none of the pose controls for face or expressions or visemes (the whole Head category is missing under Pose Controls). so it feels like it's still getting the other morphs from somewhere, and i just can't see it, or perhaps there's something broken and head controls and expressions don't work with Genesis 1 anymore. should i maybe delete the directory configurations? any advice appreciated! haven't run into this issue in the past.


  • just did that - i did not remove them beforehand though. no change. i was able to see all the head morphs already like nose height, philtrum, eye size, etc. but the Head category under poses is still blank.


  • well, actually it appears to have worked or may never have been broken in the first place. clicking on the body doesn't show those head morphs, but clicking the Head node works. i'm not a regular user of Daz and i had a lot of head morphs from DieTrying that do show up under the body object when selected so it was confusing me as to why i wasn't seeing the other head morphs. sorry for the confusion on my part! thanks for the advice!

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