Beard on dwarf

Orffeus-ArtOrffeus-Art Posts: 43
edited May 2021 in Product Suggestions

Ahoj, prosím nevíte někdo zda existují pořádné vousy na trpaslíka? Díky za odpověd. :)

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,858

    Moved to Product Suggestions as it is not a Daz Studio question.

    Which figure are you uisng? What makes a proper dwarf beard?

  • watchdog79watchdog79 Posts: 1,026

    Orffeus-Art said:

    Ahoj, prosím nevíte někdo zda existují pořádné vousy na trpaslíka? Díky za odpověd. :)

    Jakou generaci figur máš v plánu použít? Vousů je tu v prodeji spousta. Máš nějakou konkrétnější představu o vzhledu? Třeba fotku nebo obrázek? Pokud neumíš anglicky, klidně mi napiš soukromou zprávu.

    English: I asked the OP about the generation of figure and asked for a reference image. I also offered to take it to PM's in case the OP does not speak English.

  • Orffeus-ArtOrffeus-Art Posts: 43

    Sorry, I don't know why I posted it here in Czech: D I'm looking for a dwarf beard, I'd like some braided beards, braids and so on. Such are those classic fantasy dwarf mighty beards. Yeah, and it's for the G8M.

    1920 x 2535 - 1M
  • watchdog79watchdog79 Posts: 1,026

    Orffeus-Art said:

    Sorry, I don't know why I posted it here in Czech: D I'm looking for a dwarf beard, I'd like some braided beards, braids and so on. Such are those classic fantasy dwarf mighty beards. Yeah, and it's for the G8M.

    I don't think Daz sells this type of a beard. Maybe someone else can recommend some products from other stores.

  • Orffeus-ArtOrffeus-Art Posts: 43

    I'll be fine with what I have, I just tried it if by chance: D Anyway, thanks for the response.

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