Need help: G8 head preset not working with G8.1 [solved]

i53570ki53570k Posts: 212

I thought G8.1 is supposed to be 100% compatible with G8 shape presets but it is not working for my Goanana's character Saya:

This is just G8 and G8.1 side by side. They appear to be identical so there are no hidden morphs AFAIK.

This is the same G8 and G8.1 with just Saya's head preset loaded:

The one on the right is G8.1 and she looks like a totally different character. What gives?

1920 x 1080 - 950K
1920 x 1080 - 1M
Post edited by i53570k on


  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,014

    What does your log say after you have loaded G8.1 Female? (Help->Troubleshooting->View Logfile)

  • i53570ki53570k Posts: 212
    edited May 2021

    PerttiA said:

    What does your log say after you have loaded G8.1 Female? (Help->Troubleshooting->View Logfile)

    I got hundreds of warnings of 6843 and 6777 but those warnings appear when I loaded G8 as well so I don't think it's the problem. Althought I don't remember having those hundreds of errors before I installed G8.1 which incidently was the same time I also installed and uninstalled Daz Central, aka the BIG MISTAKE that screwed up my DIM installation paths. How do I debug 6843 and 6777?

    After those warnings I got:

    2021-05-06 19:33:18.980 Begin Loading Character Addons...
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.107 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.107 Loaded file: bs_EyelashesCollapsed.dsf
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.118 File loaded in 0 min 0.1 sec.
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.120 Loaded file: Genesis 8.1 Female Eyelashes.duf
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.125 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.130 Loaded file: PHMMouthRealism_HD_div2.dsf
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.137 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.138 Loaded file: PHMMouthRealism8_1_HD_div4.dsf
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.370 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.371 Loaded file: bs_TearProjectionShape.dsf
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.378 File loaded in 0 min 0.1 sec.
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.380 Loaded file: Genesis 8.1 Female Tear.duf
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.471 File loaded in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.472 Loaded file: G8_1FAddOnMaps.duf
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.474 Finished Loading Character Addons
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.494 File loaded in 0 min 12.6 sec.
    2021-05-06 19:33:19.497 Loaded file: Genesis 8.1 Basic Female.duf
    2021-05-06 19:33:20.831 Loaded image G8_1FBaseHeadMapD_1002.jpg
    2021-05-06 19:33:21.025 Loaded image G8FBaseLegsMapD_1003.jpg
    2021-05-06 19:33:21.093 Loaded image G8_1FBaseEyes01_1007.jpg
    2021-05-06 19:33:21.282 Loaded image G8FBaseArmsMapD_1004.jpg
    2021-05-06 19:33:21.348 Loaded image G8_1FBaseMouthMapD_1006.jpg
    2021-05-06 19:33:21.541 Loaded image G8_1FBaseFaceMapD_1001.jpg
    2021-05-06 19:33:21.726 Loaded image G8_1FBaseBodyMapD_1003.jpg
    2021-05-06 19:33:21.774 Loaded image G8_1FEyelashesO.jpg
    2021-05-06 19:33:21.811 Loaded image G8_1TearOpacity.jpg



    I tried it with other purchased characters such as Sangriart's Emmeline and the shape is the same for both G8 and G8.1. Goanna's Saya is the only one that won't work with G8.1. Saya is a HD character so I don't know if that's an issue. I can't try others since Saya is the only HD G8F character I owned.

    Post edited by i53570k on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,014

    It would be better if you attached the actual file to your post instead of copying parts of the text.

    What you have pasted has nothing special in it.

  • i53570ki53570k Posts: 212

    PerttiA said:

    It would be better if you attached the actual file to your post instead of copying parts of the text.

    What you have pasted has nothing special in it.

    I figured out what was causing it. Saya comes with an unique smile expression morph and for some reason when Saya head is dialed into G8.1 her unique smile morph was dialed up to 100% as a hidden morph. This doea not happen with G8. Unhide the parameter in G8.1 and dial down her hidden smile morph to 0 and the G8.1 looks like G8. But of course her G8 smile morph are no longer available in G8.1

    Seems like somethnig really bork with G8.1 and G8 expressions. Among the hundreds lines of warnings in the log a ton of them are related to expressions unable to find property value and now this.

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