3D Art Freebie Challenge-May 2021-"May Mysteries" -Entries Thread Only

This month is the month of mysteries and new things coming to be!!!
We want to see you all show us the mysteries you can solve or are in the middle of solving!!
The Rules For This Months Freebie Challenge are:
1. A minimum of (5) Freebies must be included in your image along with Links to the freebies you have used. For an item to be considered free it must be offered as a freebie for the whole month. The exception to this rule is all Daz Bi-Weekly Freebies will be allowed throughout the entire month in which they are free as well as the month following their release as a freebie (For a total of 2 months). Also, if a freebie is broken down into multiple downloads/links/parts (IE like if the freebie is broken down into 3 zips etc...)it only counts as 1 freebie, not 3.
2. There will be a Maximum of 5 purchased items.
3. Base figures (All Gen 2,3,4, and Genesis 1,2,3) as well as their general morphs packs (Morphs++ and similar) do not count as a purchased item or a freebie and may be used as needed
4.Your Rendered Picture must be a new render and postwork is allowed but you MUST include a before and after Postwork versions of your entry in the Entry Thread.
5. All DAZ 3D Programs are allowed (IE Bryce, Carrara, Daz Studio and Hexagon) plus Poser for the contest.
6. All entries are subject to the Daz3D TOS Found Here: Terms Of Service
7. You may enter a Maximum of 4 Entries per month.
8. You may edit your entry as much as you like in the main thread but once it is posted to the "Entries Thread" it may not be further modified. Also, if you edit or add things, be sure you update any links or freebie changes you make.
This Freebie Challenge will end Monday May 31st @ 23:59 Daz time.
*Please Note: Please allow 7 days from the Announcement of the Winners to recive your prize*
If you have not recived your prize, or have any questions, plz contact (ME) Saphirewild in a PM here on the forums or e-mail me at [email protected]
Post your images and freebie links here for judging after verification. For the verification you can post your image and links in Main Thread.
First Place: $15 store credit from KindredArts
Second Place: $10 store credit from KindredArts
Third Place: $5 store credit from KindredArts
Any other donations for prizes will be gratefully accepted. Please send a PM to Saphirewild
It all starts with a box...
This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
Rendered in Daz Studio, postwork in Photoshop.
Doesn't count:
*Edited to include the non-pw version attached at the bottom.
The Witch Princess
She's a mystery for people around her: strange girl, lonely, introvert, strange things happen when she's around... They call her a freak, they don't understand anything about her: is she a demon or what? The king, her father, locked her in the tower because he's afraid of her... But is she really evil? Actually her only fault is to have magical powers, maybe one day those powers will save the kingdom...
No count: GF8
Gallery link
Title: Athena´s Mystery
1) Portal by Summoner: https://freedom-of-art.ucoz.com/publ/free_poser_ds/free_public/summoner_39_s_magic_portal_fan_art_for_poser_ds/14-1-0-272
2) Throne and Treasure by Summoner: https://sharecg.com/v/95255/gallery/11/Poser/Summoners-Royal-Memories
3) Temple by McGyver: https://sharecg.com/v/64458/related/11/Poser/Caprina-Pavilion
4) HDRI (daytime) by White Magus: https://www.whitemagus3dmodels.com/shop/hdr-012-summer-7am-dawn-clean-skies?category=Free
5) Background (daytime) by Era-7: https://cubebrush.co/era7/products/mi3baw/30-free-anime-sky-backgrounds-pack-51
6) HDRI (nighttime) by ColorGaleria: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/82923/mykt-multipurpose-sphere
7) Background (nighttime) by Frozen Star: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/67335/fs-moonscapes
8) Landscape by MatCreator: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/74462/mfnm
9) Outfit by ocelot1300 and Jerry Jang: https://sharecg.com/v/94622/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Border-Tribe-Outfit-for-G8M
10) Pauldrons by SickleYield: https://www.sharecg.com/v/72661/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/SY-Impractical-Rogue-G
11) Gloves by zoro_d: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/82851/police-gloves-for-genesis-8
12) Sword by Porsimo: http://www.porsimo.net/3d/weapons.htm
13) Lantern by SquarePeg3D: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/81080/props-and-poses-medieval-mood
1) RenderStudio Modular 13 - Lens Flares And Light Beams
2) The scalemail texture I applied to the chest piece is part of the Supersuit Pro Bundle.
3) The character´s pose is based on a pose that comes with the Dystopian Ninja Outfit.
No Count:
Genesis 8 Male Head Morphs
Genesis 8 Male Body Morphs
Wild Mane (Genesis Starter Essentials)
Version before post work here and here.
Fortune Teller
So you want to know your future. But beware; once you pierce the mystery of the veil, it's impossible to go back.
Medieval Hovel: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/85194/medieval-hovel
Gwyneth: https://www.sharecg.com/v/56272/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Gwyneth-for-Genesis
Gwyneth Textures: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/66891/peasant-styles-for-gwyneth-3
Side Swept ROse Hair (G3F , G8F) Part 1&2: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/side-swept-rose-hair-g3f-g8f-part-1/79533
Luna Freya (Hair): https://www.patreon.com/posts/lunafreya-for-40600356
SY 200 Morphs for Genesis 8 Head and Body: https://sharecg.com/v/91888/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/SY-200-Morphs-for-Genesis-8-Head-and-Body
Scarface: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/87915/scarface
The Witchhat: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/86276/the-witchhat
Moon Broom: https://www.daz3d.com/moon-broom
Prop - Morphing Flame for IRay: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/76201/prop-morphing-flame-for-iray (source of off screen glow)
No Count:
Makayla: (was free but no longer available), primitives for the cauldron glow
Mabel 8: https://www.daz3d.com/mabel-8
Medieval Kitchenware: https://www.daz3d.com/medieval-kitchenware
At Kurzadi Docks
First try to build docks in my lake town... I still need Ships and some details... Bard is Wayne Kendrick... One of first pictures for me in Iray... I hope that I did it good.
1. Chest https://web.archive.org/web/20160620083352/http://www.calida3d.com/3dFree06_Fig.shtml
2. Crates http://www.mortemvetus.com/freestuff.php?type=1&sort=2&page=3
3. Roman Pot http://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/?item_id=58869
4. http://www.sharecg.com/v/35231/browse/11/Poser/The-Seawall-At-Kurrzadi
5. http://www.sharecg.com/v/35330/browse/11/Poser/Avadan-and-Kurrzadi-Expansion-pack-1
1. https://www.daz3d.com/sea-shanty-props
2. https://www.daz3d.com/tale-hero
3. https://www.daz3d.com/adventurer-for-genesis-male
4. Sword https://www.daz3d.com/defiant-for-genesis
5. https://www.daz3d.com/bwc-skies
The Elven Mystery
The Elven Princess surprised everyone: her personality has suddenly changed. The frail girl who needed protection and care has turned into a brave woman. Even the King, her father, is proud of her. Everyone is happy but... Why, in the elven prisons, is there a girl who looks like her?
- DOA 6 Marie Rose - Head and Body Morphs for G8F
- Anime Style Elf Ears Morph for G8F
- Chameleon ROse2 for Genesis 8 Female by zoro_d (material)
- OnFleek for Genesis 3 & 8 Female(s)
- Candy Braids Hair for Genesis 8 Female(s) by zoro_d
- DForce Flirty for G8 Female by Moonlight001
- Elven Crown by squarepeg3d
- Iray Jewelry Shaders
- Question Mark Necklace
- Pavé Bangle for G8F/G8.1F
- Slave Tunic G3F and G8F
- Dirty Skin Textures G3F and G8F
- Rough Textures for G3F and G8F
- Easy Tears G8F
- Tape Gags
- G8F Free Pose 045 by richardandtracy
- Pose (Standing) 39 by Kordouane
- HDRI: Cave Wall
Who Killed Poor Johnny
Violet is extremly upset! Her boyfriend, Johnny, was just killed in a drive-by. She intends to solve the mystery of who was responsible for her loss.
Done in DAZ3D Studio 4.15 and is an IRAY render.
Free items:
Curved bracelet - https://sharecg.com/v/97581/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Eight-misc-tems
Braided bracelet - https://sharecg.com/v/92874/view/21/DAZ-Studio/Braid-Bracelets-for-G3M-G3F-G8M-and-8F
Pave bracelet - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/88406/pave-bangle-for-8fg81f
Yoshiko for G8F - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/88116/ps-yoshiko-for-genesis-8-emale
Phantom Hair - https://www.deviantart.com/checkertoo/art/Phantom-For-G8f-858294456
Tears 1 - https://www.sharecg.com/v/96064/
Tears 2 - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/79570/free-tears-for-genesis-8-female
Tears 3 - https://www.sharecg.com/v/95817/
No count items:
Earring (made by myself (not a freebie - yet) nor purchased)
Purchased items:
IRAY Shaders (for earring and curved bracelet) - https://www.renderosity.com/rr/mod/bcs/jewelcrafter-iray-shaders/117892/
Lights and Background - https://www.renderosity.com/rr/mod/bcs/sase-promo-lights-plus-extras/138498/
Dress - https://www.renderosity.com/rr/mod/bcs/see-me-ii-suit-for-genesis-8-females/140406
Post processing Programs - PSPX6, and ON1 Effects 2019
Revealed By Moonlight
Rocking Chair: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/78983/rocking-chair
Iray Fur Shaders: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/88081/iray-fur-shaders
Stuffed Toys for Poser: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/76447/stuffed-toys-for-poser
Daz studio. iray medival cabinet-set: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/87707/daz-studio-iray-medival-cabinet-set
Medieval Hovel: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/85194/medieval-hovel
Jan19's Heirloom Dress for G2F: https://sharecg.com/v/76350/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Jan19s-Heirloom-Dress-for-G2F
PS Merry for G8F: https://www.renderosity.com/rr/mod/freestuff/ps-merry-for-g8f/87285
Prop - Morphing Flame for IRay: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/76201/prop-morphing-flame-for-iray (off screen again)
No Count:
Sexy Santa Outfit (Bow): Christmas freebie, no longer available, Dust primitive - custom made
(free if you have Poser, but otherwise) Plushies: Rufus: https://www.daz3d.com/plushies-rufus ;
Radiant Jaguar Hair For Genesis: https://www.daz3d.com/radiant-jaguar-hair-for-genesis
She holds the mystery of the rose and show the path, but only during may month
This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
no count: Genesis 8.1 female
dForce_French Twist Hair for Genesis 8 Female(s)
dForce_Belly Dance Nights Outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s)
Ella for Genesis 8Female by tottallou (only skin)
Adriana for Genesis 8 Female by Zia3d (head morph)
Rose by weld
3D model Rose by alenaesaulova
3D model Rose by Stylesharp
Merlins Rose
Poser Rose
Rose bush
Rose Bushes Flower 3D Model
rosa rossa
Pack1_Fleurs by chacornac
Pack_Fleurs by chacornac
Fleur des champs by chacornac
Grass as Grass can be! (DAZ3D, Iray) by SmidA
HoSM Flowers set 2 by mapps
Rose Thorn Staff by -Wolfie-
background: made by me with GIMP
Limited time frteebies - Now they are no more free- they are to be paid or cannot be found
Rain Of Petals
https://www.renderosity.com/rr/mod/bcs/rain-of-petals/95628/ ;
"Fantasy Ruins"
Dec.2020 - 24 Days Of Christmas Renderosity's freebies during Christmas 2020 period
hope you like
Strange lights at abandonned mansion.
Figure : Chameleon Rose 2 by zoro_d
Hair by EichhornArt
Clothes :
Environment : Haunted-mansion(.dae) by Shredder
Hdri : (not counted, seems link does'nt work anymore)
Thanks for watching.
Galery link
Mysterious Find
What is causing that strange glow?
Chameleon ROse 2 for G8F (Nails morph and color, Lashes morph) - https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/chameleon-rose2-for-genesis-8-female/85859
dForce Belly Dance Nights Outfit for Genesis 8 Females (Under Bra) - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/82950/dforce-belly-dance-nights-outfit-for-genesis-8-females
Side Swept Rose Hair - https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/side-swept-rose-hair-g3f-g8f-part-1/79533, https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/side-swept-rose-hair-g3f-g8f-
My Heart Necklace for Genesis 8 Female - https://www.deviantart.com/amyaimei/art/My-Heart-Necklace-for-Genesis-8-Female-729010047
Pearl Earrings - https://sharecg.com/v/96388/favorite/21/DAZ-Studio/Pearl-Earrings
SY 200 Morphs Genesis 8 (Ears, Breasts) - https://sharecg.com/v/91888/favorite/21/DAZ-Studio/SY-200-Morphs-for-Genesis-8-Head-and-Body
Autumn Hockey HDRI (Not visible, just for light)- https://hdrihaven.com/hdri/?c=nature&h=autumn_hockey
Deep Sea Treasure for Deep Sea Diver - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/67650/deep-sea-tresure-for-deep-sea-diver
Ball Cane - https://sharecg.com/v/95943/favorite/21/DAZ-Studio/Ball-Cane
Ds4 Diamond - https://sharecg.com/v/64999/favorite/21/DAZ-Studio/Ds4-Diamond
Ocean Floor Underwater Background (Put on a Plane Primitive) - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/85808/ocean-floor-underwater-1
WTP Shaders (For the sand and wood) - https://sharecg.com/v/86001/favorite/7/Material-and-Shader/WTP2-Will-Timmins-Perlin-Shaders-for-Iray and https://sharecg.com/v/87095/favorite/7/Material-and-Shader/WTP3-Will-Timmins-Procedural-Shaders-for-Iray
Iray Jewelry Shaders (For the metal and jewels)- https://sharecg.com/v/95893/favorite/21/DAZ-Studio/Iray-Jewelry-Shaders
SY Merfolk (Character, Fins, Outer Bra and Pose) - https://www.daz3d.com/sy-merfolk-for-genesis-8
Genesis 8 Female Expressions - https://www.daz3d.com/genesis-8-female-expressions
I tweaked some materials, the pose and the lights. Created the green glow with point lights. Set up and rendered within Daz Studio Iray. No post work except for the watermark.
Pointing the way
They told me if I got this far I'd find the way. Well I did, but all I got was this damn glowing cube like thing and a small disgusting wiggly worm. Now what?
Free Items
Cheongsam - https://www.pretty3d.com/free-stuff.php?p=cheongsam-lingerie-for-genesis-8-females
Phantom Hair - https://www.deviantart.com/checkertoo/art/Phantom-For-G8f-858294456
Phantom morph - https://www.deviantart.com/checkertoo/art/Phantom-For-G8f-858294456
Pedestal - https://sharecg.com/v/94436/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/General-miscellanous-prop-files
Cube - https://sharecg.com/v/97267/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/A-cube
Dust - https://www.deviantart.com/squarepeg3d/art/Prop-Dust-Mote-Cloud-875458221
Godrays - https://www.deviantart.com/squarepeg3d/art/Prop-Morphing-Godrays-875530244
Dripster - https://sharecg.com/v/97202/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Dripster
Shader used on dress - https://sharecg.com/v/95898/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Shimmery-Sheer-Fabrics-II
Purchased Items
No Count Items
Earrings - vyk-filigree-earrings-for-genesis-8-females - no longer available (freebie - Xmas 2019 - at DAZ)
Title: It's a Mystery
Caption: I'm not sure what weapon would cause such injuries. We should take a look around the house or perhaps outside...
Software: Daz 3d, Photoshop for postwork
Paid Items:
No-Count Items:
Free Items:
Nightgown and Nightcap for G8M (https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/87617/nightgown-and-nightcap-for-g8m)
After postwork:
What is this Obalisk, and what is inside?
Free Items
1) Obalisk
2) Sky
3) Wrist and Waist Rope
Caution, mature content on page.
4) My heart necklace
5) Asian Dress 01:
6) Hair
Paid Items
Character: A) TritiumCG custom morph. B) Skin: CB Guilia skin texture hue and tone mapped. C) Sue Yee SY sandals from 'Cute suspender dress'. I thought they were freebies until I found the link pointed to the DAZ store. Oops.
Background: D) UltraScenery basic package with home-made vegetation distribution maps for the trees and grasses.
No Count Items
1) G8F
2) VYK Filigree Earrings. Christmas 2019 freebie.
I had to increase the raytrace Max Path Length to 9 to get all the reflections to show inside the obalisk. Took nearly 4 hours to render on my GTX 1060 GPU, and about 8 mins for the first iteration to appear. Tried red and blue lights inside the obalisk, but neither looked particularly peculiar. There is no post-work - I am so ham-fisted in graphics packages that it's best I don't do any. Had intended this to be a second entry, but liked it enough to make it into my main entry.
Who is he?
Who is he, this handsome man who walks into the house once a week, takes off all his clothes except his underwear and throws it all into the washing machine? Not anyone any of the ladies know, but they all need to keep an eye on him.. Just to make sure he doesn't walk off with the silver, honest! Because he's incurably nosey, the cat joins in too.
Free Items
1) Wall and Door Prop (2 off next to each other)
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/87514/rigged-wall-and-door-prop-corrected. Modelled this on the doorway from my dining room to my kitchen, the sizes and colours are as close as I could manage. Got bored during lockdown when my work server was offline and I had time to work on my own projects when sitting next to the very door I modelled.
2) Alysha Character (lying)
3) Bardot Clothing Set worn by Alysha: Free with DAZ Studio
4) Bobbi Hair on Alysha.
5) Aeron Pict Character (kneeling)
6) Aeron Pict Pose: lightly modified from G8F Free Pose 038 and home written script to correct G8F pose applied to G3F.
7) Aeron Pict Clothes: Rocker outfit free with DAZ Studio
8) Ki Character (standing)
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/85911/ki-for-genesis-8-female Ki uses Alysha texture.
9) Ki Dress
10) SteamPunk Box
11) Digidotz Guitar
12) Sofa
13) Towel on Sofa
Paid Items
A) Hivewire Cat
B) Miranda Hair on Ki.
No Count Items
1) G3F
2) G8F
3) Emma and Jordi Christmas Mug Freebie from Christmas 2019.
4) PreFox Nose ring on Ki (not actually visible at this angle). Freebie no longer available.
5) Mytilus Authentic Jewels necklace on Ki. No longer available.
6) Flowscape generated images on planes used as pictures on the room walls.
7) Default Ruins HDR used for lighting.
I mentioned earlier in the main thread I was having difficulty getting any inspiration. This image was the one that I leveraged from the few inspirons I had. Originally intended to be my main image, but I got hit by a bigger idea before posting this.
A treasure hunter spent years working out the clues, found the site, found the enterance, managed to make her way through the maze correctly. After entering the chamber the massive stone door fell closed, blocking the way out. But nothing had prepared her for this. All she had was an old legend. The legend said that if you got this far that you must choose to continue on. But you must choose wisely, as the true bottle will bring you sustanance, and the false bottles will take it from you. What does she do now? How will she know?
Items used in the render.
Free stuff:
Columns - https://www.sharecg.com/v/94481/related/21/DAZ-Studio/BronzeDragonsStuff
Potion Bottles (DS CREATIVE MAG - ISSUE 18) - 4eyes.code66.se/dsc/DSC_Potion_Bottles.zip
Sigil - https://www.deviantart.com/i-jay-cg/art/Sigil-845646712
Clothing - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/77959
Dirty skin - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/83623/swt-dirty-skins-version-a-for-genesis-8-females
Hair - https://www.deviantart.com/kayleyss/art/Gwennili-Hair-670556854
Phantom morph - https://www.deviantart.com/checkertoo/art/Phantom-For-G8f-858294456
Flame - https://sharecg.com/v/92198/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Fire-of-Magic
Floor Texture (very large 1.9 GB) - https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AF5l3Fw-WgHzB6I&cid=AB095DD7B2CB4DCF&id=AB095DD7B2CB4DCF!20967&parId=root&action=locate
Purchased stuff:
No count items:
DAZ3D - Genesis GF8
Modern art (appears it's not available) - www.most-digital-creations.com_modernart.zip
Post processing software - ON1 Effects 2019
IRAY Render created in DAZ3D Studio 4.15
The mystery of the twins
Brad doesn't understand why his brother Jared is so good at cooking while he's a total failure... "But yet we are twins!" He thinks...
No count:
3D Art Freebie Challenge May 2021 "May Mysteries"
[Best watched at full size for details.]
"Only the ravens..."
Starring: Alysha, Ella and Barack
The tale:
No one knows who built the ruin wall, some say it was the Templars, others say it was The Gods themselves. But only the ravens can get close to it, grass grows only hundreds of meters from it but is poisonous. Nobody knows why. Barackm'bwana was born blind and also clairvoyant and some tribal elders say it's both because of the ravens...
Alan Parsons Project The Raven (© 1976) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAE1XTvKLXA
COUNTABLE FREEBIES: (Alphabetic order)
#01! Afro Earrings G8F-FREE by SdeB
https://www.sdebstore.com/collections/free-stuff/products/afro-earrings-g8f-free **
#02! AfroHead G3M 1 by abe01
https://sharecg.com/v/86164/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/AfroHead-G3M-1 **
#03! Alysha for Genesis 8 Female by emotionaldreams
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/83613/alysha-for-genesis-8-female **
#04! Aurochs Skull 1977-5012 (OBJ) by NHM_Imaging
https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/aurochs-skull-1977-5012-30a8753007bd4e9fac33c18a06512562 **
#05! Barack for G3M by dumbuser
https://www.sharecg.com/v/88699/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Barack-for-G3M **
#06! Bracelet for genesis 8 female by Valmont59
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/86004/bracelet-for-genesis-8-female **
#07! Braid Bracelets for G3M, G3F, G8M, and G8F by Fisty
https://www.sharecg.com/v/92874/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Braid-Bracelets-for-G3M-G3F-G8M-and-G8F **
#08! Candy Braids Hair for Genesis 8 Female(s) by zoro_d
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/88062/candy-braids-hair-for-genesis-8-female-s- **
#09! Chameleon ROse2 for Genesis 8 Female by zoro_d
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/85859/chameleon-rose2-for-genesis-8-female **
[Head morph used]
#10! Dante DMC5 Free Stubble for Genesis 8 Male by InTheFlesh
https://sharecg.com/v/94752/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Dante-DMC5-Free-Stubble-for-Genesis-8-Male **
#11! Dashiki Dress G8F_FREE by SdeB
https://www.sdebstore.com/collections/free-stuff/products/dashiki-dress-g8f_free **
#12! EA Sidecut Hair for Genesis 3 & 8 Female(s) by EichhornArt
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/ea-sidecut-hait-for-genesis-3-amp-8-femela-s-/82972 **
#13! ED's Bends V8 Poses Part 2 by Edheldil3D
https://www.deviantart.com/edheldil3d/art/Freebie-ED-s-Bends-V8-Poses-Part-2-799687169 **
#14! Ella for Genesis 8 Female by tottallou
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/77844/ella-for-genesis-8female **
#15! Fiberhair Goatee Beard for Genesis 3 Male by RedzStudio
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/fiberhair-goatee-beard-for-genesis-3-male/75957 **
#16! Flo Makeup For Genesis 8 Females by AprilYSH
#17! Grass as Grass can be! (DAZ3D, Iray) by SmidA
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/88095/grass-as-grass-can-be-daz3d-iray- **
#18! Iray Jewelry Shaders by AllenArt
https://sharecg.com/v/95893/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Iray-Jewelry-Shaders **
#19! Iro Hair by MysticArtDesign
https://sharecg.com/v/97502/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Iro **
[Skull cap used]
#20! Kamala Khan Young for G8F by Shinteo
[Bracelet left]
#21! M4 Jewelry Pack 5 by Cool Tuna Studio
https://www.cooltuna.com/poser/poser-freebies.html (item 10)
#22! Melitaea britomartis (OBJ) by Digital Archive of Natural History
https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/melitaea-britomartis-20a41658fa284141815977b277a08520 **
#23! Morphing Garden Style Stone by Mapps Graphics
http://www.freewebs.com/mapps/downloads4.htm (last item)
#24! Mouse by Most Digital Creations
#25! Muddy Path by SmidA
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/88169/muddy-path **
#26! Old-Lamp for DAZ Studio by kalhh
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/88299/daz-studio-old-lamp **
#27! OnFleek for Genesis 3 & 8 Female(s) by AprilYSH
#28! Passer domesticus (OBJ) by Digital Archive of Natural History
https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/passer-domesticus-eeffd0bb0d28471aae9b13937b2087db **
#29! Raven by Most Digital Creations
#30! Raven clipart by HiClipart
#31! RE5 Sheva Alomar Head Morph for G8F by TritiumCG
https://www.deviantart.com/tritiumcg/art/RE5-Sheva-Alomar-Head-Morph-for-G8F-822643742 **
#32! Ringed Zebra for G2F by SquarePeg3D
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/76186/clothing-ringed-zebra-for-g2f **
#33! Ruinwall (Iray) by SmidA
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/88069/ruinwall-daz3d-iray **
#34! Rustshader for Iray by SmidA460
https://www.deviantart.com/smida460/art/Rustshader-for-Iray-758330803 **
#35! Rusty junk set 1 by DryJack
https://www.sharecg.com/v/53012/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Rusty-junk-set-1 **
#36! Sam Giddings for G8F and G8.1F by Shinteo
#37! Sinister Structures by SquarePeg3D
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/81060/props-sinister-structures **
#38! SY 200 Morphs for Genesis 8 Head and Body by SickleYield
https://sharecg.com/v/91888/view/21/DAZ-Studio/SY-200-Morphs-for-Genesis-8-Head-and-Body **
#39! Wall-Lamp for daz studio iray with wall by kalhh
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/87614/wall-lamp-for-daz-studio-iray-with-wall **
#40! Wizard Sticks by MysticArtDesign
https://sharecg.com/v/96092/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Wizard-Sticks **
And the ones I forgot:
#41! Arabian Dress (for G3M) by Noone102000
https://www.deviantart.com/noone102000/art/FREEBIE-Arabian-Dress-814819412 **
#42! Henna Tattoo by MysticArtDesign
https://sharecg.com/v/92182/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Henna-Tattoo **
#43! Kiara 8 Sunset by HDRIHaven
#44! Pajaro Trousers + PhD Glasses for G8F by Poses17
https://www.deviantart.com/poses17/art/Freebie-Pajaro-Trousers-PhD-Glasses-for-G8F-788560405 **
#45! Terror Eyes for G3F and Iray by Sabby
https://issuu.com/philatdsc/docs/ds_creative_16 (page 49)
--- CariqueB by hindudreams
--- Casual Outfit for G3M by Tab
--- Eyes Dilate for Genesis 8 Female by felldude
--- Free Iray Outdoor Lights by Dreamlight
--- Genesis 2 Male Beard by Laticis Imagery
--- Genesis 2 Male Beard 03 by Laticis Imagery
--- Nose Ring 01 for G2F, G3F and/or G8F by AllenArt
*1 E-mail address required
** Registration required
#x! Countable Items (Bold ones are used by me for the first time I think.)
--- No longer available freebies
++ Free with DAZ Studio (or the Essentials)
$x. Purchased/Paid For Item
Rendered with DAZ Studio (nVidia Iray)
Other free software used: GIMP v2.10.24 and Irfanview 4.57
Postwork: used the AltaLux Image Enhancement Filter (Effect) by Stefano Tommesani that comes with Irfanview and some filters (oa) that come with GIMP. Also used mcjDenoise by mcasual. (https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts9/mcjdenoise)
"Only the ravens..."
Sorry for the delay in posting May's winnters, ther've been some hiccups but here we go
winner of the first palce is @Hylas with the stunning image
The Athena's mystery
in the second place we have @Dhivael with a crimial elf story:
The Elven Mystery
and in the third place @richardandtracy with
Who is he? I wanna know as well!
there were a lot of interesting, mysterious and funny renders here, So good to see!
congrats to the winnners, you know the procedure, please contact @KindredArts for your prices
Congratulations to all the winners! Fantastic entries by everyone last month - it must be getting tougher and tougher for the judges!
And congratulations to all.
Thank you so much, and congratulations to the other winners!
Congrats to winners and all participants, it's wonderfull to see so many entries!
I hope i can make time for miself and render something this month.
Congrats to the winners!!! Great work!
Congrats to the winners!
Congratulations, guys!!!
Congratulation to the winners. :)