DAZ installs then crashes on pose, can't get through guided intro

Hi, I've installed and uninstalled Daz Studio twice and it crashes immediately once I try to pose a character. This is a new laptop, Win10, i7, 16GB RAM, I bought it because I needed to do 3D modelling for a project but I can't even get it to run a single pose with no background or clothes or anything. 

While installing, I kept getting a message "Daz Studio installation will proceed after previous installations" even though it was the first time install on a clean, new laptop. Took several hours to download.

Finally the download was complete so I opened it. When running Daz Studio for the first time, I ran the wallkthrough and when I got to the point of adding a character, adding hair, adding clothes, it was fine but when I tried to add a pose, it crashed.  It did this over 10 times, crashing everytime I tried to pose. Tried restarting the laptop, etc. Uninstalled and reinstalled Daz same thing happened with the crash on pose, so I uninstalled it a second time.

I believe it is the 4.5 version, whatever is the current version out now.  I did this download yesterday and today.

Is there an older, stable download I could try? 





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