Tarzan 8.1????

How about a new 8.1 figure based on the character Tarzan (maybe make it a contest for designers, who design figures for Genesis 8.1)? I was downloading Gianni 6 from my Daz3d account, when I thought how great a Tarzan he'd make, but I wouldn't cry if a Tarzan 8.1 resembled the movie "Tarzan" character either. ; )
Maybe a Tarzan 8.1 & a Jane 8.1?
Lord & Lady Greystoke attire, & jungle attire???
There's a character based on Alexander Skarsgard if that's what you're looking for, but he's for M4.
I'd love a Tarzan bundle, but there are so many ways it could go wrong epending on the tastes of who is doing it and what influences they are using.
Far as I understand it, the Edgar Rice Boroughs estate still has veto-power over products named after their characters, so pretty good chance that any Tarzan themed character set would likely have to be obfuscated slightly. Jungle Ape Man 8.1, maybe? :D
While we're on the subject, I've previously mentioned that I'd love to have a build-a-jungle-treehouse-dwelling construction pack, something in the vein of the ones in the old 1930s Tarzan movies, or for that matter like the one in the "Lord Greystoke and the Legend of Tarzan" movie from the 80s, or maybe something in the vein of the (Disney) Swiss Family Robinson treehouse-complex. Something with LARGE platforms to medium-sized platforms, connected by catwalks, all of which look like they were made from parts scavanged from the jungle and/or from sailing-ship-wreckage and stuff. I've found lots of treehouses for Daz and Poser, but they're all either too small for what I want, or don't look the period or style I'm going for.
Interesting... I was already suggesting a Jayne character that could go with the "Jungle Man" based off of some real wildlife Biologist (Jayne Goodall and Dr Rebecca Cliffe.
But, hey, it is 2021... So maybe it should be a female character that has been raised by the Jungle Fauna and discovered by a hapless male who she has to rescue constantly.
In thinking about this more, I would rather see a comprehensive environment and clothing bundle more than a figure. Jungle scenerios/vignettes, vines, treehouse, poses for Tarzen and the various animals in the store, new hair from Linday, etc.
It's fairly easy to create figures these days with all the resources we have and I am sure my take on the ape man would be different than others. This is my take on how I want Tarzen to look
Brought to you by Gillette?
I'm not even that into Tarzan as a character but I had a little bit of free time and this thread inspired me!
Gallery Link
His ape brother taught him to shave at an early age
I don't like my ape men scruffy, LOL
How about a animal-skin one-shoulder singlet, which was also used as an old-time 'strongman' costume? Like in the film Tarzan and the Golden Lion (1927).
Hmmmmm.... picture not working.
Haven't you ever seen Heath get rescued seemingly every episode on The Big Valley? Audra was a distant second.
Humph. That was weird. Fixed, I think.
I love this Tarzan, to be honest, growing up Johnny Weissmuller was MY Tarzan, but I really like Alexander Skarsgard's portrayal as well. It was Edgar Rice Burrough's Tazan books that made me love reading, so I'll always have a soft spot for Tarzan. I doubt there will be a Tarzan 8.1 Bundle, but it would be the bundle I'd buy. I'd also like a Dracula 8.1 Bundle, we have Tasha 8, & Lilith 6 & 7 already; we have a werewolf, but we don't have a gothic looking vamp male to pair with any of our gothic vamp females. There are plenty of characters, but not a figure.
The Advantures of Tarzan XVI: Tarzan in Dracula's Castle :D :D
And yeah, I'd like to see more general goth and vampire outfits for Genesis 8 Male at least.
Zantar 8.1!
There's Sheena, Queen of the Jungle who appeared in 1930s comics, Jungle Stories pulp magazine, and various tv series and movies. Sheena was raised by African natives instead of animals, but she could communicate with animals in some adaptations. Pulp mags and comics feature lots of characters based off the Tarzan archetype, both male and female: Ki-Gor, Kara the Jungle Princess, Pincess Pantha. In the nineties we had Christa from Land of the Lost and I think there was a jungle girl character in The Lost World tv series from the early 2000s. And of course there's Raquel Welch in One Million Years BC, Ayla from Clan of the Cave Bear, and others in the caveman or cavewoman genre... Tons of inspiration for Daz3D jungle princes and princesses.
You forgot George of the Jungle, look out for that tree.
He's almost like Conan the barbarian
Darwin Mishap(s) create several male characters who could be Tarzan.