Bizarre Eye Artifact

What could be causing this? The room is lighted by emmisive strips in the ceiling. You can see them in the image. The environmental mode is scene only. I get the same thing with dome and scene.

827 x 582 - 710K
I think it's caused by the 8.1 update. Bits of the iris mesh are poking through the eyeball.
Go through the "Instance Optimization" settings and see if any of the settings solves the problem. Also, if the character has a smoothing modifier on, remove it.
Return the character to the world center origin (translate 0) and see if that makes the rings disappear. If they do, then you'll need to keep the character at the world's center and move the environment instead. Not sure why it happens, but I avoid the issue by always keeping the character where it loads and moving everything else instead.
Its an Iray issue thats effected by what FenisPhoenix stated. The trick that margrave mentioned does work usually just set the Instance Optimization to memory or speed. I usually do what FenixPheonix stated by keeping characters close to world center but have also used the other tip without issue.
Thank you margrave, FenixPhoenix, and Daventaki.
I set the render optimization to memory and that fixed it. Posing at world center is not a practical solution in this case.