Daz Poseable Wardrobe export, UE 4.26.2 Load and FBX Import Errors

Hi, To All.
I've had good success importing G8F characters -- clothed, posed and with hand-held weapons -- succesfully. Joy to the World -- thanks so much for making the UE bridge possible!
With some wardrobe, however, I've run into trouble. As far as I can tell, the difference between the OK and NOT OK wardrobe is that the later can be posed. For example, parts of the Formal Mega Wardrobe blouse and blazer can be adjusted in the Daz parameters tab.
Here's my setup:
(1) Load basic G8F. Default pose. No hair.
(2) Load the Formal MEGA Wardrobe.
(3) Daz -> File -> Daz to Unreal 4.26.2
The export from Daz goes w/o problems. It's Unreal that throws a lot of load errors and FBX import faults. I'm not knowledgeable enough to say that both error sets are related, but they all point to the Formal MEGA Wardrobe buttons. (Please see screen shot attachments.)
Fiddling with the settings don't improve the situation. On the UE4 side, I'm at a loss. No matter what I do, the pop up error about the buttons won't go away. On the Daz side, I've had no success either. With all the FMW morphs selected, or without any selected, I get the same errors. In the Advanced->FBX Export Options, I've checked/unchecked "Merge Clothing Into Figure Skeleton" w/o any improvements.
So far, no joy. Any help would be much appreciated.

your problem is basically the "attached addons" on outfits, many outfits in daz are made using a "rigify" which is a sistem which attach one mesh to another without rigging it, for what i can understand it's "helps to make some objects to not "deform too much" when apply a morph, while in daz it's really good outside daz it totally "useless" and don't work which means any attached stuff must be or removed or proper "rigged to the character sometimes it works others times it don't work, then pay attention to each outfit before export it to see of they have those stuffs on then, another thing too is pay attention to props which also are not "rigged" and in some cases can be rigged in others must be attached as a socket(like when the props is really part of the outfit like for exemple a sholder then is better to try to rigge it when is something like a sword, a bag then just use a socket to attach to the character.
this post have more details about "limitations when exporting stuffs".
Thanks for the quick response. I'll look into your recommendations.
just to increas the info
the 3 possible wasy to deal with those attachments are:
1 - remove then - the most basic one, just click on each one you can easy see then as they get "marked" with that red and blue lines around then and in case of some "more hidden ones" you most go on each outfit and look each of the outfits bone until you find the attachments and remove all, this method is the most simple however it would end being not the best one or the worst in some cases, once some outfits are heavy loaded with those stuffs like 80 to 90% of it's details are attachments like for exemple this one:
not only the buttoms but also stars and others details are attachments if you strip everything from it here a exemple
while the lost was not that big you can still noticed many stuffs removed, for some outfits it would really be a big deal.
2 - turning the attachemnt in riggied stuffs: which means change then from being attached to being riggied to the outfit
here a tutorial about how to do it.
another note about the attachment it have primary showing what is "holding the attachment mesh, you must click in the arrow under it to reveal the actually mesh and also later remove the holding in case the process don't make it disappear, don't missundertand the holding for the mesh, the icon which apper different from the mesh in the scene panel is the holding the mesh is under it.
this hold do nothing inside unreal and the mesh since it is a static mesh without any socket will not be animated with the character.
the only difference would be i would recommend instead of riggie it to the character mesh try to riggie it to the outfit i means when choosing the target instead of the character mesh use the outfit it's attached, it can provide a better result in many cases than attach direct to the character messh which can sometimes make some errors like for exemple the attachment get under the outfit or in cases you want the character body being exporter apart from the outfit it will be export as a part of the body then is better if you do it in the outfit which will make the attachment proper be export as part of the outfit, the "bad side" in some cases when you do that if the attachment not was made in a right way, when you remove the attachment it will be moved to the bottom of the character, making almost impossible to place it in the right place then pay attention if this happen then in this case, since at last i don't know how to fix it, you must choose another way to do
3 - socket: the last knowed way would be create sockets around the place where they where supposed to be then export each attachment alone as a unique mesh then inside unreal you will use sockets to proper fix it and place in the right place, the bad side it can be a lot of extra work in case of outfits with too many attachments and also like the others cases it can have some issues like poke when using morphs then it's for you.
Ellessarr is correct. Those don't have weights on the verts, so they don't animate. You can try this, but no guarantees: https://davidvodhanel.com/daz-to-unreal-fixing-accessories-that-dont-animate-with-the-character/
yeah and i found a weird case where trying to us the rigie process don't work, for exemple i found 2 sholders in a outfit which they where acessoris without any weight then the left one i could use the transfer way to make it follow the body, but when i try to apply the same process to the right one, it make it attach to the left sholder as some sort of "clone" of the left but it still looking to the right i means it come bugged i've tried many ways to make it work but in the end i could not. then you can export only the left sholder, the right one would be needed to be a socket.