Not All Characters Showing in Content Library Folder

As you can see within the attached screen shots, the People, Genesis 8 Female, Characters folder is not showing all of my female characters. Is this a known issue or did I break it? How do I get all of them to show properly? Thanks in advance for your assistance. 

Characters Folder.png
867 x 1151 - 194K


  • Here is the end of what Characters show. IT ends at VW Juliana.

    Characters Content Library.png
    559 x 877 - 446K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,893

    The Content Library is paged. At the top, it shows that you are on page 1 and viewing items 1-264 of 281 irems. Use the arrows (top left in your screenshot) to page to the next page.

  • Thank You Barbult. I did not see the page number at the top. Now I know.

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