FBX Smoothing

This discussion was created from comments split from: games.


  • CenobiteCenobite Posts: 206

    Anyone know anything about FBX smoothing and how to endable the option in the export plugin. It keeps telling me to enable FBX Smoothers in the plugin when i move props and such into unreal, how do i fix this?

  • CenobiteCenobite Posts: 206

    If Unreal intends to sell a required plugin for exporting files from DAZ3D to Unreal then they could atleast make sure all shaders and options would be enabled so you could use the asset without having to program the prop or character just to get it to work, I purchase something from daz3d it pretty much works right out of the box you pay 50 dollars for a plugin in unreal and it can't port the product properly & i can get next to no help when asking simple questions like how do i enable FBX smoothing on props before sending to unreal editor, this has created so much extra work i really shouldn't have to do if you have bridged content correctly so everything just ports over working like it would in daz3d it would be so much easier.

    So why is the Daz bridge to Unreal free then you have to pay for the plugin to be enabled in Unreal, why does it only do half the job when i paid for the plugin to make things easier to work with.

  • CenobiteCenobite Posts: 206

    Cenobite said:

    Anyone know anything about FBX smoothing and how to endable the option in the export plugin. It keeps telling me to enable FBX Smoothers in the plugin when i move props and such into unreal, how do i fix this?

    Someone said it was a Maya thing not needed for unreal, i don't use Maya so i guess this question is answered unless someone has more information.

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395

    as i've told in another post, it's something which you do in programs like "maya", blender and maybe zbrush, it's a effect which you apply to the mesh which make it's looks more "rounded", you have option or to make it more smooth or more sharp, i's a visual effect, which if you enable will be exported to unreal and used too, unreal have it's own way to "rounde" stuffs and make then more "smooth" but it also can use those "round settings from those programs to improve itself, it's not "obligatory to have", you can ignore this error, you have 1 way to fix it or make it go

    1 - using one of those modelings tools and adding this effect manually them reimport the mesh to unreal

    but you can just ignore it, if the model already "smoothd enough ( the option is soften edges or something like that) then you really don't need unreal already gonna do a goob job on that.

  • CenobiteCenobite Posts: 206

    Cool yeah i read what you said in the other thread you were the only person to respond thank you, question answered.

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395

    wow you posted multiple times for the same minor issue, again the "smooth" is something totally ignorable, any issue you are true having in unreal having nothing to do with it and would be good if you can actually post what are the issues you are having and maybe we can try to help unless is something related to the install process at last for me.

  • CenobiteCenobite Posts: 206

    I was watching one video from the dev's at Unreal and they showed whole scene's being proted over, i have tried porting whole scenes and it only exports textures without props no matter the setting Skeleton, Static, or Environment the only way i can export a scene from daz3d is prop by prop and even then i'm losing half the textures in the port, this may be due to various editors not being compatible with Unreal i get that but things could be more helpful to new users in explaining what must be done to fix any texture issues when exporting from Daz3D, so far i have found a few useful threads on the subject but to be honest some of it's above my head at this stage because i'm still learning many functions of both editors.

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395

    Cenobite said:

    I was watching one video from the dev's at Unreal and they showed whole scene's being proted over, i have tried porting whole scenes and it only exports textures without props no matter the setting Skeleton, Static, or Environment the only way i can export a scene from daz3d is prop by prop and even then i'm losing half the textures in the port, this may be due to various editors not being compatible with Unreal i get that but things could be more helpful to new users in explaining what must be done to fix any texture issues when exporting from Daz3D, so far i have found a few useful threads on the subject but to be honest some of it's above my head at this stage because i'm still learning many functions of both editors.

     you means the dev of the pluging or unreal dev?? you are means a scene from daz or any scene??

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395

    Cenobite said:

    Cool yeah i read what you said in the other thread you were the only person to respond thank you, question answered.

    nop and to be fair it''s not just daz probably any character you try to export to unreal you will get this "smooth error" just try for exemple a mixamo character and you will get the same error almost any thing will give this error, unless it was specificaly modeled for unreal and know about the error and decided to adress it during the modelling process. 

  • I think there's some confusion here.  Epic doesn't make a version of this plugin.  I'm the original creator and sell it on the Epic Marketplace still.  It says in multiple places on the page it's available from Daz for free.  If you bought the one on the Epic Marketplace, you should probably return it, you can use the free version.  You may have two versions of the plugin installed in Unreal now.  That might be part of your issue.

    I don't remember making a video for environment transfer.  Do you have a link?  I made some instructions here:  http://davidvodhanel.com/daz-to-unreal-environment-transfer/

    Just ignore the FBX smoothing thing.  It doesn't matter.

    If you have a specific prop that isn't working, post a link.  If I have it I'll take a look.  Otherwise someone at Daz will need to.

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395

    ok i've tested here the pluging and exported a scene and it worked fine:

    daz scene a school class

    the same scene inside unreal exported without any issues.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    Threads merged

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