page/screen problem
I am running Bryce 7 pro and my system is running 3 screens. I have tried every option in Bryce that I can find and no matter what, it's always spread over all 3. I can set the working area to the size and aspect ratio i want but I can't take it out of all 3 screen fullscreen mode.
has anyone else got this problem or is there a fix?
Don't know the answer, but keep looking beacause on my 2-screen system, Bryce only uses the first screen, so it's possible.
it might be the way you have it set up. Mine is an extended screen so the computer sees it as one huge wide screen. Yours might be setup differently. If not it's still a headscratcher for me
In Windows 7, I am using the "extend these displays" option so it is treated as a one large screen, which sounds identical to what you have. It somehow knows to put the taskbar on just the first monitor though; I can't recall if I did something to set that or if that's the default, or if that setting (if there is one) could affect anything.
for everything else I am doing, it is exactly what I need. i don't want to mess up an ideal setup for just one program. For the engineering work, i like to have the different reference windows open at the same time as the project i am working on. For photo work, I have a render window, a working window and a tools window. For flight sims i like to be able to see left and right without pressing a button (and usually crashing, lol) and for FPS games, that peripheral vision IS a lifesaver. so i really don't want to reconfigure everything else or lose those benefits for one program.
The multi monitor checkbox makes no difference. I can't find a way to size the program window. it either all or minimized
You can't size Bryce, minimized and full screen are your only two options. I wish I knew why full screen was going more than one monitor for you but not for the rest of us, sorry I don't have more info. Hopefully somebody else will see this thread and have an answer.
Go to Edit --> Preferences --> and see if use multiple monitors is checked. If it is, uncheck it and see if that solves your problem.