Hairstyle suggestions for Men

Suggestions for hair vendors - short, neat and groomed styles for men with realistic hairlines.

450 x 450 - 31K

500 x 666 - 24K

500 x 701 - 100K

325 x 455 - 30K

999 x 1119 - 107K
Yes! Would like these. With 'wind' movement morphs for styles when appropriate.
The hair style in the third picture can be accomplished with Wildmane Hair.
Just a tangential comment, I like hair that fits both M4 and K4, such as Mature Mark Hair. I think it helps create a father/son relation without a lot of dialogue or other back story stuff. I don't use Genesis or later, maybe its easier with those.
I' d like vendors to do a search for 'Hairstyle for males' in Google or Bing images. We would have more hairstyles for our every day males like those I see RL or in pics of males in the western world. Most male hair sold here is waaay too long on the sides of the head.
And it would fit females as well.
Yes please .
Yes, I agree! I especially like 3, 4 & 5 and would also appreciate a basic buzz cut. Like the idea about using wild mane hair, I'll have to try that!
I like 2nd and 3rd) It's cool that men pay attention to their appearance) My boyfriend recently made new haircut and I don't want to look worse than he) I found some interesting articles , can you suggest, please, which haircut would siut me???
No male hair in the links you posted. There are other threads talking of hair for females.:smirk: