Cloudscape Creator render problem- black clouds

amalliach_858df2e8amalliach_858df2e8 Posts: 47
edited April 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion


I just bought Cloudscape Creator Bundle, with all the content and I am trying to render a sky, but it looks like the clouds are rendering black, has no light, ni shadow, no texture, anything. Anyone had this problem before? 

Please let me know, I hope there's a way to fix this.


Thank you very much!

1795 x 994 - 2M
Post edited by amalliach_858df2e8 on


  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,417

    In your example scene you show the viewport Iray image - have you tried actually rendering it out?  Viewports don't always match an actual render.
    Barring that, what sky are you using? Something that came with it, a skydome, or...? 

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