Product Question About Shades of Life Projection Shader

So, a few years ago there was this discussion ( asking about a way to make Unmoving Plaid Textures/Sufaces/Materials/whatever they're called (I'm new, idk yet) as seen in this trope ( but the Original Poster doesn't say if the propsed solution (Shades of Life such as this one: actually was a valid solution. I had a look at the product pages (Shades of Life is a Series), but can't afford to buy them atm. Now, while the description of the Projection Shader sounds right-ish, I'm not 100% sure that it actually can do what is needed.

My main concern is whether or not the resulting surface colors bend with the curvature of the surface. Unmoving Plaid does not bend its pattern across a surface. It can accept shadows that do conform to the curvature of the surface (sometimes), but the stripes never bend.

Now, I would imagine that a way to test if Unmoving Plaid using Shades of Life is possible would be as simple as connecting a plaid texture (checkers will do if you can't find plaid) to the Shades of Life Projection Shader and then posting the result (and the node map/graph/thing). I think. Can someone do this test please?


  • Also, I'm a bit lost which discussion section this sort of product question discussion goes in. Sorry if it's in the wrong place.

  • Do note that the shaders are for 3Delight, not Iray. But yes, theya re a simple projection they don't adjust to curvature.

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