Modern Skinny Jeans, Females

There is a lack of Modern Skinny Jeans for V4 and Genesis1&2 Females
Ive searched endlessly and have only found about 3 good quality ones.
I also remember Sickleyield saying his Skinny Jeans for Genesis were his most successful product. but Vendors are not making them.
(Note , I think SIckle's skinnies are only good for males because they have too many wrinkles and dont give that skin-tight denim look that females jeans skinnies have)
I would really like to see some skinny jeans in the style of American Eagle, or Levis
Yea I know SickleYields SKinnies are unisex, what I am saying is they dont have that Skintight Denim of Female Skinny Jeans. which Is why I said they work good for males. I also aware of The Jeanz for v4 and Genesis skinnies, but again they are not in the modern cleancut style I am referring to... The type of Skinny Jeans that Valley Girls wear
Style I would like to see.
This particular segment seems to be pretty well handled, especially with the release of Casual Cool just a few days ago (which absolutely seems to qualify). I'm not sure what's missing out of Everyday Wardrobe, Dulcet Outfit, DJ Remixed. I also *think* Urban Girl, Casual Jeans/T-Shirt all seem to qualify.
For Genesis, you could go with Prep Gear (maybe with a denim shader), Casual Fun, and of course Dogz's Skinny Outfit.
(And, just for reference, I own every one of those except the Dulcet outfit for G2F. :) )
This is ignoring other sites with product names like G2F Casual A and Genesis 2 Female's MEGA Wardrobe.
Last, but certainly not least, there's a TON of leggings and stockings that, with a small amount of retexturing, would work perfectly appropriately for what you're looking for.
I hope that helps!
-- Morgan
Thank you Morgan, That is a big help
I really like DJ Remixed, alot of the other products you listed would have been good skinny jeans but they often cut them too short, turning them into a capri look.
Also I will try my hand at retexturing or perhaps building from scratch.
If you're still looking for Skinny Jeans for Genesis females, try these on for size.
Very nice! Thanks