Compatible??? Daz Studio??? Not true!!!

I've had this problem with at least two other DAZ products, but they were removed and refunded. "The Streets Of Old London" remains a thorn in my side. The advertisement on the store page says "Compatible Software: Daz Studio 4.15," but that is a total lie. It does not work in DAZ. Even if I try only the props and add in other lighting functions this product returns a black render. I've been wrestling with this since March, which resulted in a thread of "tickets" to DAZ. After all of that time, all they've managed to say (as of this month, April) is that it was purchased in December and they won't refund me. FALSE ADVERTISING! They should refund me (small money, actually) and remove this unusable product. If anyone HAS managed to make this product function in DAZ, how did you do it?
The streets of Old London work perfectly well for me in 4.15.
However this set was made before Iray was added in DS, and includes a Skydome and lights for 3DL. When using it with Iray you have to remove the skydome from the scene as it blocks the ligh, hence the black render
It's set up for the 3Delight rendering engine, did you try rendering in 3DL? Alternatively, for IRay you need to delete the environment sphere, as it will block light coming from the environment dome. Actually just delete all lights from the scene and re-light it with IRay as the selected renderer. (I don't have the product, but I am positive that the product will work, and I'm also very surprised you did not get any useful tips from helpdesk...uhm, actually not ALL that surprised).
As you were told last time you posted, you need to hide the sky done.