How do I make a bounce light that is very large?

I am trying to set up a Distant light from below, but it just shows up as black in the Iray.
I feel like I once saw a thing where I could make a big plane, and make that emit light, as if it was a huge soft box, but now I can't find that setting anywhere. Does anyone have a good suggestion as to how to make a huge bounce light, for example the moon light hitting snow, that then bounces upward? As in the scene I am trying to create reference for, that I have attached.

1911 x 969 - 1M

1909 x 1016 - 253K
For the distant light, try making sure Draw Ground is off. A plane primitive with near, but not quite, 0 Cutout Opacity and a non-black emission colour will make a fill in Iray.
Where do I find the "Draw Ground" option?
Oh never mind, I found it under "Render Settings > Environment."
Iray is a PBR engine. Every object will reflect light, even if only weakly. If you have snow under your figure and the materials are configured properly, then the light should bounce onto him in a physically-accurate way.
IIRC, you can't set the geometry of a distant light. Use a spotlight instead. Set the geometry to a rectangle and crank the size and lumens up until it's bright and soft.
How do I increase the intensity of the light that a light Emitting Plane puts out?
Wait okay I found that as well now, "Luminance" right below the Emission Color.
Yes, Luminous Flux/Lumens is how you increase the strength of a light. The "Intensity" slider is, IIRC, a holdover from 3Delight.
Light will bounce in a physically accurate way off an object. The object that creates this light, however, does not need to be physically rational. That's your wriggle room.