Is There A Way To Set An Exact Image Size For Render
Posts: 83
This is something I been struggling to figure out. Daz gives many options for image size and aspect ratio, however, I am having a hard time figuring out how to set an exact size without the aspect ratio messing up my dimension. For example, if I am using Daz to make a comic book page I need panels to be a specific size to fit the layout. Say 565 W by 352 Hight but I can not seem to find an aspect ratio that will allow me to set those exact dimensions.
How can I get Daz to allow me to set an exact size regardless of aspect ratio?
Turn off Constrain Ratio and you can enter any width/height values you wish.
You simply need to turn "Constrain Proportions" off in the Render Settings (Parameters > tab > Render Settings). You'll find it General, right below where you set the Pixel Size and Aspect Ratio.
Doh! Now I feel silly, thanks for pointing that out. Next question by turning off the Aspect ratio Constraints does that affect the Image Quality or am I losing something by doing that as far as the output of the final render?
No, this just lets you set an arbitary size instead of being limited to stock proportions.
A better idea would be to put 565 and 352 into the Aspect Ratio H & W boxes. Then you can decide what pixel size you want your renders to be, and it will keep them in the proper proportions.
Thank you all again, you have given me a place to start to play with these settings.