Lines on my model?

ShortlegDoggoShortlegDoggo Posts: 117


I'm using Fantasy Skins for Genesis 8 - not sure if that's what's going on or not.

My model has very harsh "lines" in some areas, such as on the neck, where the skin doesn't blend at all. Any ideas for what could be causing this? I've searched, but can only find stuff about black lines, not boundaries where the skin seems like it's shaded differently/a different color. I did look at all the skin's parts under surfaces and they're the same color.


daz3d issues.png
789 x 604 - 769K
Post edited by ShortlegDoggo on


  • Are there normal maps? If there are, try setting the value of Normal to 0 and see if the lines go away.
  • RobotHeadArt said:

    Are there normal maps? If there are, try setting the value of Normal to 0 and see if the lines go away.

    Sadly didn't work, thank you so much though!! 

  • SpaciousSpacious Posts: 481

    Are the eyes supposed to look like that?  Is you figure really far away from "world center"?  Looks like that could be at least part of the problem.  Try placing your figure at 0,0,0 and see if that helps?

  • Presupposin' the textures are all correct, it could be a play of light and shadows. Try with different lights, etc.

  • Yeah, the eyes are deliberate. Character is at 0,0,0 unfortunately.

    Changing the lights up didn't help. :(

    I sincerely appreciate the advice, though! Thank you!

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