Copy, paste and duplicate...

I would like to learn some basics.
Copy and paste.
Using page layout or vector software copy and paste is pretty straightforward.
So far in DazStudio I can copy and I can paste yet nothing new appears in the scene?
Would have guessed they are overlapping yet could not find the new instance?
Duplicate? Is there a way to duplicate an object. Object might not be the correct word.
How about a sphere that you have set the surface setting like diffuse and opacity.
Can I duplicate that or copy and paste it?
Would that be considered geometry or something else?
Seems like a dumb question, yet nothing happened (I could tell) with paste.
The question is meant to be simple. You have a sphere you like but need ten of the same.
Group. Is that called parent and child?
If you have a bunch of objects can you duplicate them?
If that is in the user guide let me know. Did not see it.
Hello and here a quick answer:
To group some things - select them in the scene tab, go to Create > new Group. Give it a name and you can move or hide it all together.
Parenting - in the scene tab drag the child on the parent and it will move and scale but not hide with the parent
Duplicating - with the item selected go to Create > new node instance(s) > type in a number but the instances will change with the master in hiding, scale and texture. A very good product for making instances is UltraScatterPro. It can duplicate also a bunch of objects and limit them to an area you wish. Look most of the dogs are just instances from the three on the left hand side...
Copy and paste handles settings, not actual objects.
An instance is an exact clone of an object, down to the last detail. You can change the scale, location, and rotation of an instance, but—unless things have changed in DS 4.14 or 4.15—you can't change its materials, morphs,, clothing, expression, hair, etc.),. Use instances to create a clone army that's acting in lockstep.
Unlike instances, duplicated objects can be morphed, reposed, re-textured, etc. To duplicate an object, select the object(s) or group(s) you want to duplicate and go to the Edit > Duplicate (Cmd+Ctrl+D) or Edit > Duplicate Node Hierarchies. Duplicate duplicates only the selected object(s); Duplicate Node Hierarchies duplicates the object and anything parented to the object (hair, clothing, accessories, etc.). Duplicate and Duplicate Node Hierarchies duplicate the object in the same location as the original, so you'll need to select and move them. Use duplicates to create an army of disparate characters.
Be aware that a group duplicaiton doesn't work for some parts of the object, most notibly shells applied to figures. At some point you will need to delete the shell to recover out of operating on a group.
Thank you for your response. Definitely filled in some answers. Really interesting to see the scattering (randomization) product and your artwork too!
I can really imagine uses for that product and you really rocked it with your artwork. Getting a better sense of terminology like the word instances too.
This is super basic, yet essential. Thank you. One has to start somewhere!
Thank for your help! Well said. I think I was thrown off in the settings by terms like "duplicate node hierarchies" and did not feel comfortable/confident choosing that. For my current application(s) it is important to know the differences and details you mentioned.
Thank you for your imput. I do not yet know what a shell is? Or what it relates too - particles, geometry, lights etc.
However, from all that has been mentioned (by all) duplicate is a deeper subject in 3D than many applications.
So in DazStudio "create" is where this all happens.
My memory of this is slowly starting to come back. I did not know it all, of course, but knew more than I do now.