Nvidia Iray Server

I have the graphics card :

NVIDIAModel GeForce GTX 980

Can someone advise me how to utilize the Nvidia Iray Server to do standalone renders.

Am advised by nvidia it is possible.

Thank you


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    You have an Iray Sever license installed? If so I would assume it gives you log-in credentials in the process, or from some kind of info pop-up, and you entre those in the Advanced tab of the Render Settings pane so that DS knows where to send the data - however, it's not something I have done so I can't give details.

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Thank you for the attempt, appreciate it.

    Found solution and tutorials.

    Basicly in daz you go to  Render settings>Advanced>Bridge (tab in middle of page)

    You fill out Server,Username,password (server) uncheck secure, Port

    Click add to Queue.

    My problem was I was using the port no and server info of the instructor by mistake.

    Also server must be opened before sending

    Three hours well spent! Works now.

    Again.....Thank you. You can see how crowded the responses were!!!!

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