hmm it's the old pockthrought issue it happens not only with daz but any other character, it's because in order to a "outfit" proper deforms perfect with a skin inside it, you must really work as crazy fixing a lot of influence which would take even days to fix, daz also have it, the thing is which they have some internal tools which in most of the cases can somehow make a work around by adjusting the morphed outfit to body, while it work in many cases some extreme body cases it not gonna work, you would need some extra "tools" like those ones:
another way is just "delete the mesh inside he outift which is the "most common used". or create multiple versions of the character, breaking it into parts or as we love to say the "modular character, well going back to unreal
you have the same 3 ways to fixe it
1 - when still inside daz you have use some of those tools to "adjust the outfit to make it "big" or less close to the body mesh on those parts, some outftis come with adjust morphs but in some cases they not enough to fix then you would need some "extra" tools anyway, then using those tools you adjust the outfit until it's proper worked (in the case of the shoes something really looks wrong it's seens which you did not proper retarget the right pose i gonna explain it later.
2 - deleting the "skin inside the cloth" unless you gonna do a animation where the character will "undress" and need to have a "skin inside"(which also can be worked with some little extra work but let's leave it for now), you really don't need this "extra inside the outfit skin" then inside daz you gonna enable the geometry editor, to remove the not needed skin, making the character only have skin where it's need.
3 - modular character or "pieces" this is almost the same of 2 just the difference is if you want the character to have multiple outfits, then you gonna inside unreal break the character in parts
to assemble the meshes you must use a master pose component
also on this topíc you can find more usefull helps, take in mind which those stuffs where posted before the daz to unreal pluging become common and you had to export the characters manually, then some stuffs could be outdated, but about the parts still valid.
for the skin inside, unreal does have a option to "hidden" a mesh in game( or when running the animation) where you can make a full naked body character then make the pieces and keep the full naked body "hidden" to only appear when the character is striping or full naked, then whe wearing cloths this full naked body will be hidden, its a extra mesh but if you keep it hidden then it not will be a "big deal" for perfomances.
to assemble the parts inside unreal you would need to do in the bueprint using it's proper node.
about the "shoes this is a issue more about the "pose used to retarget the animations, the "feet pose need to be on the same angle as the high heels when retargeting, otherwise you would need or to manually adjust the pose editing the animation, or export a high heels morph target for the high heels to use it inside the animation to adjust the feet angle.
In my project, I'm setting the skin material to masked and using opacity masks to hide unwanted body parts for each item. I plan to create some presets for pants, shorts, shirts, etc. I'm using a data table to store the data of each piece of clothing. The projects lack documentation, but you can take a look at the files if you want:
david going a little off, about the bug with the geografity, you are already looking at it???, it is a really annoying bug when you want to export characters with extra stuffs like centaur or even gens.
i means the old bug of duplicate a geografty when export a character with one, for exemple if you export a male or female gen, it will be "duplicated" to the model, then you get 2 gens, one with materials and other without, the same goes for exemple for centaur if you apply the centaur part to one character and export it the fbx file will get 2 one rigged and another non rigged, just give a try, it's a really annoying and old bug, it come from daz itself and i tried to report it in the past multiple times even before the bridge and they never fixed it and the bridge seens to just keep carrying the bug.
I see. That's because the character actually has two. In Daz Studio it's just hiding some of the polygons under the addition. There's an example here of hiding Follower Auto Hidden Faces. That's what you want to do. I've played with actually removing the extra surfaces, but that breaks other things.
hmm it's the old pockthrought issue it happens not only with daz but any other character, it's because in order to a "outfit" proper deforms perfect with a skin inside it, you must really work as crazy fixing a lot of influence which would take even days to fix, daz also have it, the thing is which they have some internal tools which in most of the cases can somehow make a work around by adjusting the morphed outfit to body, while it work in many cases some extreme body cases it not gonna work, you would need some extra "tools" like those ones:
those are just some exemples
another way is just "delete the mesh inside he outift which is the "most common used". or create multiple versions of the character, breaking it into parts or as we love to say the "modular character, well going back to unreal
you have the same 3 ways to fixe it
1 - when still inside daz you have use some of those tools to "adjust the outfit to make it "big" or less close to the body mesh on those parts, some outftis come with adjust morphs but in some cases they not enough to fix then you would need some "extra" tools anyway, then using those tools you adjust the outfit until it's proper worked (in the case of the shoes something really looks wrong it's seens which you did not proper retarget the right pose i gonna explain it later.
2 - deleting the "skin inside the cloth" unless you gonna do a animation where the character will "undress" and need to have a "skin inside"(which also can be worked with some little extra work but let's leave it for now), you really don't need this "extra inside the outfit skin" then inside daz you gonna enable the geometry editor, to remove the not needed skin, making the character only have skin where it's need.
3 - modular character or "pieces" this is almost the same of 2 just the difference is if you want the character to have multiple outfits, then you gonna inside unreal break the character in parts
here a link for me proper explain how to do that:
to assemble the meshes you must use a master pose component
also on this topíc you can find more usefull helps, take in mind which those stuffs where posted before the daz to unreal pluging become common and you had to export the characters manually, then some stuffs could be outdated, but about the parts still valid.
for the skin inside, unreal does have a option to "hidden" a mesh in game( or when running the animation) where you can make a full naked body character then make the pieces and keep the full naked body "hidden" to only appear when the character is striping or full naked, then whe wearing cloths this full naked body will be hidden, its a extra mesh but if you keep it hidden then it not will be a "big deal" for perfomances.
to assemble the parts inside unreal you would need to do in the bueprint using it's proper node.
about the "shoes this is a issue more about the "pose used to retarget the animations, the "feet pose need to be on the same angle as the high heels when retargeting, otherwise you would need or to manually adjust the pose editing the animation, or export a high heels morph target for the high heels to use it inside the animation to adjust the feet angle.
In my project, I'm setting the skin material to masked and using opacity masks to hide unwanted body parts for each item. I plan to create some presets for pants, shorts, shirts, etc. I'm using a data table to store the data of each piece of clothing. The projects lack documentation, but you can take a look at the files if you want:
There's also this solution:
david going a little off, about the bug with the geografity, you are already looking at it???, it is a really annoying bug when you want to export characters with extra stuffs like centaur or even gens.
Do you mean this one?
i means the old bug of duplicate a geografty when export a character with one, for exemple if you export a male or female gen, it will be "duplicated" to the model, then you get 2 gens, one with materials and other without, the same goes for exemple for centaur if you apply the centaur part to one character and export it the fbx file will get 2 one rigged and another non rigged, just give a try, it's a really annoying and old bug, it come from daz itself and i tried to report it in the past multiple times even before the bridge and they never fixed it and the bridge seens to just keep carrying the bug.
it's this bug:
I see. That's because the character actually has two. In Daz Studio it's just hiding some of the polygons under the addition. There's an example here of hiding Follower Auto Hidden Faces. That's what you want to do. I've played with actually removing the extra surfaces, but that breaks other things.
Get Fit Control for the genesis,they add some good morphs for you to fit converted clothes to new bodies.