How to unload clean

DIMis installed DAZ Studio,
use DIM Uninstall
Then use DIM install
How to unload it cleanly
Another version of the product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. You can use the control panel add / remove programs to configure or remove an existing version of the product
There is no such hint
Post edited by swd180996_91a24041 on
Is Daz Studio listed in the Installed tab in Daz Install Manager?
Do not know where to see "to install", I uninstall, and then install, there is this prompt
Another version of the product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. You can use the control panel add / remove programs to configure or remove an existing version of the product
What's wrong with this
Install manager has three tabs - Ready to Download, Ready to Install, and Installed. In which does Daz Studio appear?
Appear in Install
OK, so uninstall it and then install it - it's possible that you removed the files but didn't uninstall (Install Manager has a little list, it doesn't rely on finding and examining the actual installed files).
Install Manager has a little list, it doesn't rely on finding and examining the actual installed files
Hello, where is this folder
Just uninstall from within Install Manager
Hello, it was installed in the Install Manager. There is that prompt. After I redo the computer system, I don't have it. It must be something that hasn't been deleted
If it is still appearing in the Installed tab of Install manager then click the uninstall button, and the same for plug-ins. Then you should be able to reinstall it (or just wait for the next update, but I don't know when that will be).