Unreal Bridge Not working, please help.

CenobiteCenobite Posts: 206

I have the Daz3D Unreal Bridge & says its installed in central but doesn't show up when i use the daz3d editor, it's not in menu list like you would see Hexagon , Bryce or Blender, i did some research it said i needed two bridges one from unreal & daz so looked it up sure enough one from unreal on the unreal market place, i have both bridges now including the one from Unreal but seems the daz side of the union isn't working because i have enabled the daz3d bridge in unreal then go to finish the install only for the bridge not to show up in daz3d, it tells me to copy a dll file to a location i do this and still i don't see a daz to unreal bridge in 4.15 appear, Why isn't the bridge showing up in DAZ3d menu after i have installed the dll in the plug infile?

If anyone could enlighten on how to get this Daz to Unreal bridge to work me that would be helpful, Thank You.


P.S seems the Unreal plugin does work, i didn't have to install the DLL file i just didn't notice that you use the send too function at the bottom of the menu, i thought it would be an option in the menu like the other export functions, This problem is solved but they won't let me remove the post.

Post edited by Cenobite on


  • RobinsonRobinson Posts: 751
    edited April 2021

    You've checked on your file menu I assume?  It should be at the bottom.  Also go to Help -> Installed Plugins and look in the list for it.  Eh, OK, you solved it.

    Post edited by Robinson on
  • KI3KI3 Posts: 38

    Really wish you posted how you solved it, cause I'm having the exact same issue

  • Läuft bei mir. Aber das scheint sich ja schon erledigt zu haben.

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