How do you use the Stones HR2 Snow materials?

I bought this and it won't work. Normally all you have to do is have your model, in this case a rock, then click on a material. I don't see no snow even when I load a preload no snow. I hate DAZ the render even a small spot render is forever and if that is the onlly way you see this damn snow I want my money back. I wanted to use these for mountains to put a castle on. I want to transfer this over to Blender which is BETTER and renders faster. But even in Blender there is NO DAMN SNOW.

And yes I bought both the rocks and the snow.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844
    edited April 2021

    These materials use the shader mixer, so yes, the snow will probably only appear when you render. And I highly doubt the materials would transfer to blender since they're not simple materials.

    Open a support ticket if you bought them in the last 30 days and want a refund.

    Post edited by Leana on
  • gitika1gitika1 Posts: 948
    edited April 2021

    1.) Load a stone from the subdirectory - "Stones"

    2.) Select the subdirectory - "Materials"

    3.) Select one of the SHR2MP Stones Color Snow

    4.) Wait patiently, I use DS 4.12 and have a 1080ti - the snow is applied

    Oops, it ended up a double post.  This one and the next.

    184 x 132 - 3K
    736 x 424 - 337K
    400 x 147 - 5K
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    Post edited by gitika1 on
  • gitika1gitika1 Posts: 948
    edited April 2021

    1.) Load a stone from the subdirectory - "Stones"

    2.) Select the subdirectory - "Materials"

    3.) Select one of the SHR2MP Stones Color Snow

    4.) Wait patiently, I use DS 4.12 and have a 1080ti - the snow is applied

    1160 x 608 - 414K
    Post edited by gitika1 on
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