64 Bit version of DIM and DAZ Studio won't open

I'm at a loss and hoping for help.
I have a fresh out-of-the-box Dell Inspiron 5400 with an NVIDIA graphics card. Neither DAZ or DIM 64 bit versions will open. They start to open but then immediately shut down. Sometimes I don't even get a splash screen.
The drivers are all up to date. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling a couple of times with no luck. The 64 bit versions of Poser and Carrara both work. I put in a help ticket a couple of days ago but so far haven't gotten a response. The 32 bit version will work but IRAY doesn't work on that.
I tried adding a copy of the log.txt file but it put me over the character limit for the post.
TIA for any suggestions.
Click the "Attach a File" button and attach the log.txt file to your post instead.
Right above the "Post Comment" button.
Then others will be able to open it and see what's going on and help out.
Lot's of knowledgeable people here on the forums.
Ah, Thanks bunches. Here's the log file.
Assumkng that that is the point at which it crashes, which isn't certain, the next lines would be more plug-ins - for me:
2021-04-01 14:27:39.349 dz3dconnexion.dll
2021-04-01 14:27:39.365 dz3dmouse.dll
2021-04-01 14:27:39.365 dzalembic.dll
2021-04-01 14:27:39.412 dzalignace.dll
Do you have a 3D Connexion/3D Mouse (Space Mouse?) attached?
I just have a plain old Logitech wired mouse and keyboard. Nothing fancy or out of the ordinary.
I'd missed that DIM is also crashing. Are you using the 32 bit version to install or the stand-alone installer? What security software are you using?
Weird. So this is a Dell laptop w/ 16GB of RAM, and an onboard NVIDIA MX330 GPU (Pascal) with 2GB?
You mentioned you uninstalled and re-installed the drivers, but did you do the same with DAZ Studio? Sounds like maybe there was an installation problem? If it just crashes like that with no warning it seems like maybe the setup is missing some stuff.
The only error/warnings in the log refer to a "nested directory":
Maybe it can't find what it needs because of the goofy directory structure? Hard to believe that would cause a problem though.
I'm using the 32 bit DIM so things installed okay.
It's an all in one. Everything's built into the monitor - like a MAC - with 12 GB of RAM and an NVIDIA GeForce MX330 with 2GB graphics memory. I uninstalled and reinstalled both DIM and DAZ with no installation problem.
The directory structure works fine with my desktop computer so I don't think that's the issue but I'm willing to start fresh if I have to (but I really really don't want to).
I'm so confused.
I assume you won't be trying to render in Iray with a 2 GB graphics card.
Why yes, yes I was. Because I was so excited about getting a new system that I didn't pay attention to the details like I should have. Thanks for the Gibbs slap on the back of the head and thank you Dell for allowing me to fully return that system and buy one that's actually going to work.
Gah...I feel like such an idiot.
Thank you everyone for the input.
In looking thru your log, it looks almost identical the part of the log I get when starting up. And the point at which yours stops is the beginning of when it's loading a ton of .dll files (basically DAZ library files that do a bunch of functions). And in my log file, after it loads all those DLL's it starts initializing Iray.
So I'm wondering if there's a problem either with one of the DLL's it loaded, or maybe for some reason it can't load the 40 or so additional DLL's. Here's what it loaded just before the log ends:
Mine doesn't show the last one, dz3dbridge.dll, which I assume is the Photoshop bridge? Instead it shows the following (plus a ton of others):
2021-04-14 18:00:48.151 dz3dconnexion.dll
2021-04-14 18:00:48.156 dz3dmouse.dll
2021-04-14 18:00:48.156 dzalignace.dll
2021-04-14 18:00:48.186 dzassetiofilters.dll
2021-04-14 18:00:48.200 dzautofit.dll
I'm wondering if maybe there's an issue with dz3dbridge? Maybe I uninstalled it on mine and that's why it doesn't get loaded. But it seems strange it would crash without warning when loading DLL's. Maybe just check to see if those DLL's I listed exist on your machine.
Okay, well I made my own fake DLL file that was just a text file with a .dll extension and added it to the plugins folder, and as I though DAZ continued happily starting up but noted in the log file that it couldn't load my fake DLL. So even if one of your DLL's was garbage it should still start up okay.
But it looks like you're just going to return the computer, so I guess we'll just classify this one as really weird and move on.