Gray Sclera, G8F

I thought sclera - the white of the eyes - are supposed to be, ah, white.
I've been doing some catchlight renders with Corina and Ai and discovered the sclera was rendering gray. I looked at the maps and sure enough, they are gray, not white.
Has anyone else experienced the same? Is there something I'm not getting?
Her eyes are, indeed, gray.
Normally I love iSourceTextures, but I'm not sure what they were thinking with this one.
Try swapping them out for a different figure's eye shader.
I'm not sure I have those characaters, but how grey? The sclera are not pure white, certainly (nothing is).
I'm saying grey, Richard, not a shade of white. I cannot recall ever talking to someone, or seeing a photo of someone with sclera so gray. Compare V8.
The Ai eyes look reasonable to me, the Corinna eyes do seem a bit too dark relative to the skin - if anything the V8 eyes look too bright.
I appreciate your comments. I did increase the intensity when I rendered V8.