Marvelous Designer Fitting Problem

I've been experiencing problems fitting clothing to my DAZ character. I made a T-shirt in Marvelous designer on a morphed Daz 3D character . I exported the garments seperately as an obj (see image 1&2). Once i open the garment in daz 3D it fits correctly to my character although as soon as I fit to the character the tshirt starts floating above the character (see image 3&4). I've tried fiddling with the parameters but nothing worked...
Maybe someone out there has the awnser. Thank you in advance!
ew, a docx attachment...
Please attach the images - .docx files can carry malware.
It's best not to work on a morphed figure if possible, and you should definitely zero any scaling (or rather, set it to 100%). If you do need to work with morphs, in the Transfer Utility set the Source Shape to the morph used (or Current, assuming the moprhing is still in effect) and enable the Reverse Source Shape from Target option.